Chapter 7

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I looked around at the dark, opressive and abandoned building. I marveled at it, it was something hearing about the place, but seeing it was truly something else. I turned to Tom with hard eyes, "If you ever even contemplate about something like this ..." 

He looked shocked and shook his head, "I couldn't bear to do this. Ever. No one would except for ... All of us treasure our mates," he then scratched his neck, as his soft brown hair covered his face. "I've been waiting my entire life for you to come. It was really lonely," 

I pulled Tom in, placing a comforting hand on his hip. "Shall we go inside?" I asked, and he nodded. We walked and then pushed the gate open with a loud creak. As we reached the walls, there was magic preventing us from going in. I reached for a vial in my pocket and then retracting my hand, pulled out a dagger. 

"God knows why they need so much of blood for the Necromancer spells. I know we're able to regenerate blood at a very fast pace and everything but why?" grumbling, I pulled cut the skin and then began to fill up the vial with blood. When I was satisfied, I put my hand out in front of the snow and watched as the last drop of blood fell. My skin knit together, and I retracted my hand. I held it up, watching as Tom took pleasure it licking it. I chuckled. "If you want to be marked by me this much, then I must be neglecting my duties,"

He flushed but didn't retort. I caressed his cheek and then brought my hand down to hold his. I walked forward, taking him with me. I took the first step, and then let my magic down into the ground with the drop of blood. I then splashed some more blood down on the snow. The red spread fast amongst the pure white. With my magic, I guided the blood into runes. The runes lit up bright red, and then a black region appeared in front of me. I walked through the door, taking my mate with me. 

We went through the doors and into the room. I averted my eyes at once, as an onslaught of memories reached me. I went back, letting my other side take over. It was harder for me to face it. I watched as the other me led Tom forward. They reached the man who was lying on the floor. His hair was grey, and his face was pale and sallow. His cheeks were drawn in and the bags under his eyes were stained with purple. 

I began to shake ever so slightly. I remember what had happened in the dungeons. How they had forced my creature side in. I had only managed to do it with the spell. At least I wasn't bound. This man here was. He was a dark phoenix, but he had had his phoenix ripped from him. They had torn him in half forcefully. The other me was much more adept at handling this situation.

He held the remaining blood in the vial and poured it into the air. It suspended itself and immediately formed a large formation. The formation spun as chants were recited. Of course, this chant wasn't in English but in the language of the dead. It began to spin, and then dark magic began to flood out. Amongst it was a single drop of water, emitting darkness. The water was from the river of the dead, the Styx. It was combined with the magic and began to release essence into the air. It began to stabilize the soul of the man, and color began to return to his face. Slowly, the dark magic retreated, and the blood used for the ritual dropped, black in color. The other me summoned the black blood into our mate's body, and his magic surged. The power we got from death was astounding. 

The other me slowly coaxed me out, and I merged back with him. We watched as the other man's eyes slowly opened. I composed myself and looked at him. "Gellert Grindlewald, how do you do?" He stared in surprise. Poor man must have felt terrible. 

He looked at both of us and sighed. "What do you want?"

Tom and I shared glances and began to talk telepathically. He nodded at me and I turned back to Grindlewald. "We need a favour from you. You see..."


You guys I just cannot bring myself to write. So sorry. I ... What do I even say. I cannot even begin on how bad I feel. I feel like my writing has become shit. Sorry. I managed to get this through and out of my system. Hopefully there will be more regular updates due to the -'Coronavirus '-


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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