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"If you insist on maintaining this charade of ignorance, you leave us no choice but to apply pressure." Zethrid threatened, her glare striking a match of terror in the Paladins' hearts.

"Finally!" Ezor chimed, smiling brightly. "Who's our first victim?"

Zethrid and Ezor both looked around at the group of heroes, Zethrid making a decision before her best friend could land on a choice.

"You." She cackled, grinning at Pidge. "I'd bet half my fleet that this group of heroes has a soft spot for the small one."

The youngest Paladin scooted herself a little farther away. Not much, and hardly noticeable, but she did. The Paladins all took a half step forward, doing what they could to protect her.

Ezor grinned, walking towards her slowly, adding a dramatic flare to the situation.

"Don't you touch her!" Lance snarled, charging them in a mad rush as adrenaline kicked into his veins.

However, Ezor easily overpowered him, kicking him against the wall in hardly a second.

A sentry instantly trained their laser blaster on him as he raised his head, making everyone think twice about going over to help him.

"Your defiance is adorable and so very misguided." Zethrid smirked, staring at the Blue Paladin.

"Leave us alone!" Pidge ordered, glaring at them will all the rage she could muster into her face.

Ezor grinned, whipping out her tentacle that sprouted from her head to clasp at Pidge's restraints, pulling her closer.

Pidge let out of cry of fear, and Hunk cried out her name in fright.

Pidge landed into Ezor's outstretched hand, groaning as the former general grabbed her armor to keep ahold of her.

"Let her go!" Keith ordered, in the process of lunging forward when he heard a laser gun get cocked. He froze, glancing at the Galra who kept his blaster pointed at him.

Pidge was moaning slightly, the fear evident in her eyes as she stared at Ezor, close to tears.

Ezor slammed her against the wall between the Paladins, having no problem in giving them a front seat view to the torture.

Ezor forced Pidge further up the wall, the sound of metal, Pidge's suit, grinding metal, the brig's wall.

Pidge kicked her legs against the wall, doing nothing to slow her demise.

"Answers!" Ezor demanded, her eyes fixed directly on the Paladin she was so keen on torturing.

"We told you, he's dead!" Keith hissed, clenching his fists as hard as he could.

"Release Pidge, right now." Shiro ordered, his remaining arm clenching as he resisted the urge to attack them.

"And why would we do that?" Zethrid snarled, crossing her arms. "We could kill her without a second thought, you know."

"So." Krolia glared, narrowing her yellow eyes. "What's stopping you?"

All the Paladins rounded on her with a look of surprise, a few roaring her name in anguish. The two ex-generals, too, were taken aback.

"Well..." Ezor mused, before pausing to think her statement over.

"We need answers." Zethrid broke in, apparently having thought it through in a flash instant. "And this is the only way to do it. Unless..." she paused for dramatic effect. "'re fine with letting her miserable life slip out of this reality..."

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