Chapter 9

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Sorry that I didn't update last Saturday!! I wanted to, but...I lost inspiration a few paragraphs in.


It was several days later that Shiro finally recalled all the events that supported his plan and a few ideas.

But with a deep breath, he began.

"Everyone." He said, his voice carrying across the coms.

He could tell by the sudden shifting he could hear that everyone was laying close attention suddenly.

"Remember before I..." he paused for a moment in thought, "disappeared, when we were fighting Zarkon, and we were hit with that ball of energy?"

"Yeah!" Hunk chimed. "It drained all of Voltron's energy..."

At the same moment it clicked with Keith. "We powered up Voltron on our own."

"That's right." Shiro agreed. "Maybe you could do it again."

There was a moment of silence as they regarded this. Maybe they could...

"I can't help but feel that this is my fault." Allura murmured, heartbroken. "Ever since I joined in I've been dragging you down, and you have been unable to accomplish such a feat."

"It' one's fault." Shiro assured her. "But if you were all a group of fully realized Paladins, you could do it."

"...Shiro's right." Lance decided, smiling. "We should try."

"Shiro, with all that you've been through, how did you find the strength to continue being Voltron's leader?" Keith inquired, the curiosity thick in his voice.

"I had help." Shiro smiled gently, setting his hand on the back of Pidge's chair. "That's why there's five of you. To lift each other up."

Everyone made sounds of happiness, appreciation, and agreement.

"So...what should we do?" Hunk asked, thinking about strengthening their bonds with their lions.

"Well...let's try formation flying." Keith suggested.

"Wait, what's that?" Pidge quipped.

Shiro, also looking out the cockpit window, had the same thought.

"Oh, you know," Keith probably wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, his voice taking on the fondness of an older brother. "When you fly in line-"

"No!" Pidge protested, shaking her head. "That! Outside the window!!"

"Holy crow!" Lance stammered, jumping.

"It's a comic storm!" Romelle gulped, shaking.

"AW!!! COM'N!!" Lance yelled.

"We can make it through it, guys." Keith's voice, though calm, had a slight tremor in it.

At that moment it hit.

Everyone shrunk back every time they were hit, yelping in shock.

Pidge tried to jerk her lion out of the way of a ball of electricity, but instead her lion only succeed in back tracking a little bit, only delaying the collision.

Shiro shook for a moment, grinding his teeth to hold back a cry of pain, though Pidge wasn't able to hold back all the noise and released a yell at the same time that the others let out screams, Keith literally howling.

The world went black.


Pidge gasped, freezing as the cosmic storm disappeared. Her lion wasn't operating, completely still as she floated through the void of space. "Guys?" She asked, a slight tremor in her voice. "Are you there?"

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