Chapter 1

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Author's Notes; This takes place after the escape from Ezor and Zethrid's prison. The escape happened in much the same way, except Shiro carried Pidge for the entirety of it, and Pidge was unresponsive.


"Will she be okay?" Shiro asked, his voice cold as he stared down at Pidge.

"Well," Krolia hesitated, flipping through a holo-screen that showed Pidge's vitals. Unfortunately, the healing pod had used much of its energy healing Shiro, thus was unable to heal Pidge. So instead of being in the Cryo-pod, Pidge just laid there on a makeshift bed, unresponsive.

"This is in God's hands, Shiro." Krolia told him, frowning at a screen before rolling her eyes and waving it away. "The best we can do is be there for her, tend to her wounds, and pray."

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Keith inquired, pushing his way to the front of the crowd.

"I don't know. She was badly damaged, so her body went into a coma to help her regenerate her blood, new bone tissue, an other such necessary body structures. She also has a tentative sleep schedule. So. It could take up to a full week, perhaps longer, Even though the human body typically only needs twelve hours of sleep no matter how long they stay awake, she'll probably have to sleep for several days."

"Days?!" Lance spluttered, surprised. "How'll we, you know, fly the lions in that time?"

"I saw a cord in the Blue Lion long enough to shackle all the lions together. We could use that to pull along the Green Lion." Krolia acknowledged. "We would have to find...what do you call it? IVs? Well, whatever they are, you'd have to use them to keep her nourished. I, myself, doubt she'll be asleep longer then a week, but I do not have control over such things." Krolia sighed, rubbing her scalp. "I'm sorry that I cannot give you a straight answer."

"Paladins..." Allura spoke gently, attracting everyone's attention. "We cannot stay here. We have already been here for an entire quintent and counting. We have to move on, continue to Earth."

"Which means we should decide which person should be the best passenger for each Paladin. Again." Romelle frowned, remembering the incident from the previous flight.

"This time Lance is NOT choosing passengers." Hunk immediately decided, scowling.

"How about the others can choose who they'll go with?" Keith suggested. "Mom, who do you want to go with?"

"Don't care." Krolia shrugged, crossing her arms as she leaned against the cave wall. "I'm flexible."

"Okay. Acxa?"

"I'm not coming." Acxa had stayed quiet mostly, but she was verbal when asked.

"Um. What?"

"I'm not coming." Acxa repeated, crossing her arms. "I need to report back to the rebels, and here's the best bet. It is a listening outpost, after all."

"You sure?"

"Trust me on this. Thank you all for your hospitality, but I must depart from your company. There are too little troops out on the field, and I must not delay your return to your home planet."

"Are...are you positive?" Keith inquired, reaching out to grab her hand gently.

She let him, but ignored the touch. "Don't make a scene, Keith. I'm not coming."

"'re a rebel?" Lance blinked. "I mean...Pidge's brother is a rebel...if you know him, I mean, you can...I dunno..."

"I will take a message." Acxa deflated, frowning at him. "What's his name and what does he look like?"

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