Chapter 4

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It was about noon. The next day the Paladins would arrive at Berk, and were all having their passengers do a inventory check. Save Hunk. Poor guy had to wait for the passengers to be completed checking the other lions to summon them using the power of Keith's wolf, who had gotten better in a significantly short amount of time. Then the passengers could check the Yellow Lion for all the needed, and wanted, supplies.

Shiro was, of course, doing an inventory check of the Green Lion. Since Pidge was, for the most part, unresponsive, reserving her days for resting, the Green Lion only housed backup equipment and the smallest Paladin's personal items.

Such as figurines of each of the Paladins. She most recently made some of Krolia and Romelle, and the wolf was half-completed and was shoved off to the side. She had scattered the statues throughout the lion.

Lance's was in a storage closet, Hunk's was in the kitchenette, Coran's was in the Green Lion's mini-library, Allura in the cockpit, Shiro's was in the largest cargo hold, where the two Paladins slept and mostly spent their time, Romelle's was pushed into a spare box, and Krolia's was in the medical closet, shoved into the far end. He had yet to find where Pidge had shoved Keith's when they were evacuating the castle. Shiro knew where most of these were only because Pidge had directed him where to put them from her bed. There wasn't much she could do in her bed except build statues in her lap, and then have Shiro put them in the proper places. Shiro wondered what she'd do when the wolf was complete. The mice, maybe? Start on people they had met during their many adventures? Matt, perhaps? He already was aware that she had requested that he had to bring her all the junk that he could find on Berk, so that she could continue on her newly-discovered jargon.

Needless to say, Shiro was positive that the Green Lion would become the community 'Junk Lion'.

"Lunch time!" Hunk's voice chimed, and the wolf appeared from thin air, a bag draped around his shoulders.

Truthfully, the mass suddenly appearing where the air had been a second before would normally have caused a ginormous explosion from the air particles being shoved out of the way. But the quintessence that appeared a moment before the wolf spawned in the air's place acted almost as fans, shoving the air away so that, for a millisecond, the space where the wolf would appear had literally nothing in it. Then he would spawn again in it's place, and the explosion was avoided.

Shiro pulled out the two containers of food from the pouch of the wolf, best as he was able with one hand, then set them on top of a crate, patting Kosmo before he disappeared in a flash of light.

Oh, also the quintessence held back the air once he disappeared, and eased it back into the area so it wouldn't cause an explosion by rushing back into the empty areas.

Pidge was better at explaining such things.

"Is that lunch?" Speaking of the child, Pidge propped herself onto one arm, blinking at him curiously.

"Yeah. I thought you were asleep." Shiro tossed her the bag, mentally kicking himself as he remembered that she probably wouldn't be able to catch it.

However, she fumbled with it for only a moment before properly securing her grip on it. "The smell of food woke me." She told him, drawing herself into a proper sitting position like Krolia had shown her. "Also, the wolf's teleporting isn't exactly quite."

Shiro sent her an exasperated look.

"I'm kidding!" Pidge shrugged, taking a drink from the cup.

Shiro held the tablet, scrolling through it. The only thing they really needed was more spare parts for repairs.

"Shiro...?" Pidge sounded hesitant, as if she really didn't want to ask whatever was on her mind.

Shiro didn't really pay attention to her tone, though, too busy pondering which parts to get. "What's on your mind?"

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