Chapter 10

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Quick time skip because I lost inspiration. Blah-blah...they make it back to their lions and spot the cosmic storm.


"We can't outrun it again!!!"

"We don't have to."

Pidge felt a thrill at the words, realizing that Keith was right. They could form Voltron again, feel that familiar comfort in being reunited in their minds.

Keith's next shout confirmed her thought, ringing through the coms. "Form Voltron!!"

Honestly, Pidge could loose both her legs and be fine, just as long she could feel this feeling - the safety and love and devotion and trust that wrapped around them when Voltron was formed. Together, they were strong.

Pidge hardly noticed as the cosmic storm overtook him, but she jerked back to reality the moment the first bolt of electricity shook them.

"Look sharp." Keith ordered his friends, his voice firm but confident.

Allura and Hunk's booster rockets flared, and Keith steered, Lance and Pidge ready to help with any sudden changes in their course.

Pidge was beginning to think there was no end to this horrid cosmic storm when there was the sound of Bayards being distributed into their ports, and Voltron multiplied his speed, soaring past the cosmic storm. It was was practically a second later that he soared from the white thunder, halting for a moment and drifted there, the Paladins smiling with relief and staring into the stars.

They had returned from their exile...

Keith let out a happy noise, almost sounding like a cheerful puppy.

Pidge knew there was only one noise to make him sound like that: his dog must be active again!! Which meant...

She turned around, sighing in relief when she saw Shiro propped up against the way, groaning gently as his eyes slowly opened.

She let out a huff and turned back, expecting him to unleash an onslaught of questions, but instead it was Romelle who began throwing questions at Lance.

"What happened? Did something try to kill us?"

Lance sighed in exasperation, though he answered honestly. "You know it."

There was a pause before another person spoke: namely Allura. "That cosmic storm must have shot us across the universe."

"So, where are we?" Coran asked, sounding as though he had just woken up from a nap.

Pidge pulled up her star maps, shuffling though them.

Hold couldn't be...

"When did you form Voltron?" Shiro asked, confusion lingering in his voice.

Pidge didn't respond, too transfixed on the constellations that her computer gave her. "I...I recognize these constellations. This is the Milky Way!!"

"Home." Hunk confirmed, voice catching.

Everyone nodded, all making sounds of pleasure or shock, joy or surprise.

But none sounded disappointed.

"Let's go." Keith ordered, voice gentle yet commanding.

Immediately their booster rockets fired once more.

Pidge turned on her coms, searching for the correct buttons. She pounded them in, then began calling. "Dad!! Dad!! We're coming back to Earth!!"

There was no answer, and Pidge's heart tightened. He HAD to pick up! Maybe he just didn't have his communicator on him. Maybe he was dead - NO!

Pidge forced that thought from her mind, shaking her head. They just weren't close enough to contact him. She waited a second, then tried again. "Dad? Dad, are you there?"

No answer once again.

Now Pidge was beginning to get worried. With how much power Voltron had now, their signal should be able to get boosted to Oriande and back!! Why was it failing?

"DAD!!!" Pidge trembled, shaking all over. He HAD to be fine, he just had to!!

"-o any--e wh-- re--iv-s th-s mes--ge," Sam'd voice filtered through the coms, his voice hazy and disguised with static.

"--ane- -a--h an- a-- of it's-"

"Hold on. Boosting the signal." Pidge told her father, trembling.

The moment she touched the button to strengthen the signal, his voice came clearer. "--nhabitants have been overtaken by the Galra."

"What?" Keith blinked, surprised. He pulled up a screen showing Earth (from their long-distance-scanners) and looked closely. In the next moment he let out an exhale of horror.

"If you get this message, please send word to Voltron." Sam finished.

"It's not a response." Keith choked out.

"It's a distress signal." Pidge quaked, squeezing her eyes shut. Her father...her mother...

"To anyone who receives this message, planet earth and all of its inhabitants have been overtaken by the Galra. If you get this message, please send word to Voltron." The message relayed, and everyone could hear the thick grief in Sam's voice. ""To anyone who receives this message, planet earth and all of its inhabitants have be-"

Pidge's hand slammed down on the mute button, not wanting to hear it anymore. Her father...oh, her father...

"Pidge?!" Keith asked, surprised that she - of all people - was the one to shut it down.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked, his strength and fondness rippling across the Paladin bond.

"Katie?" Shiro asked, keeping his voice tenderly low.

"I'm fine." Pidge assured them, though inside her heart squeezed. She had feared that the inhabitants of Earth would think her weak if she returned to them crippled. But now she feared that she would be unable to be of any assistance when they tried to free the people of Earth from the Galra.

The least she could do was try.

"Let's go." She ordered, and Voltron turned towards home.

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