Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Keith's heart did a backflip in his chest as he dodged the sword thrust his way, blinking in horror at Macidus as he glared at him.

This guy wasn't messing around. Sure, Keith already knew that, but this was the first time it had really hit him. Even with Zarkon and Lotor he had mostly shoved it into the back of his mind, but there was the occasional moment when all his thoughts surfaced and mad him blind with rage.

Keith swung his sword, but failed to lodge it into Macidus's chest as the ex-Druid teleported, giving Kosmo a sharp kick and sending the dog flying.

Keith let out a cry of protest and took a step towards Kosmo when Macidus appeared behind Keith and giving him a rough blow that sent the young Paladin flying.

Keith groaned, blinking up at the knife, oh-so-close to his face. Normally, Keith would accept his fate and succumb to death. But his friends depended on him.

Just then, the roof exploded. Like, literally exploded. Allura and Krolia were first to land on the ground, the other Paladins and finally Romelle and Coran following in suite.

Who'd they get out of whatever trap Macidus set for them? Keith would ask later.

Lance summoned his Bayard, firing several shots at the Druid.

However, Macidus teleported behind them and smashed Romelle and Shiro's heads together, smirking before tossing the ex-Black Paladin at Coran like a sack of potatoes.

"Oh!" Allura growled angrily, summoning her whip and launching it at Macidus.

Macidus instead spawned next to Hunk and gave the Yellow Paladin a well-timed kick in the head, disappearing before Lance and Allura could react to his change in direction. Macidus, in two quick teleports, took out both a Paladins, smirking in victory.

Keith had risen to his feet by now, gazing in shock at his unconscious friends as Macidus sent Krolia rolling.

Keith ran to Macidus, swinging his sword in a daze. Macidus teleported, laughing like mad.


Keith closed his eyes, focusing on the laughter echoing around him. Straining his two ear drums in each ear, Keith was able to make out Macidus's position, and threw his knife.

He briefly wondered if his calculations had been wrong when Macidus appeared in the predicted area, the knife digging into his gut.

Keith watched, without mercy, as Macidus collapsed, not yet dead, but dying. Slowly. Painfully. He deserved nothing less.

Keith felt very tempted to spit on him, the highest form of human disrespect, or to rest his heel against his head, the highest form of Galra disrespect.

He didn't end up doing either, because he remembered Kolivan, staring at the former leader of the blades sadly. Now, how would he get him out of his restraints?


"He doesn't look good." Krolia hummed, gazing down at the gauntlet's chart. "But, according to the scans, he'll recover."

Kolivan coughed in response, raising his head to look Krolia up and down. "Krolia. It's been deca-phoebs since we last spoke.

"Yes." Krolia put a hand on his shoulder kindly, smiling. "It has."

Kolivan looked over the group, blinking in surprise, though his expression did not betray his emotion. "Where is the small one? Pidge?"

"We had a run in with Lotor's generals, Ezor and Zethrid." Keith admitted.

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