Welcome to Rosewood

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Okay this is the first part to this story. I changed some things to make it a little better I hope that you guys like it.

-No One’s (POV)-

-Bus Station-

Dani and Santana step off of the bus they are in the small town called Rosewood. Dani is on a mission to find out what happened to her mom and dad. Her leads end up leading her to Rosewood. What she doesn’t know is that Rosewood holds a lot of secrets and there is a force out there that will stop anyone and anything that gets in the way. Dani has only a duffle bag. Santana has a duffle bag with her as well they both walk to a bench Santana sits as Dani stands.

Santana: So here we are. What now?

Dani: Um, we have to go to a place called…

Dani pulls a piece of paper out of her back pocket it says “Meet Veronica Hastings at The Grille at seven.”

Dani: The Grille to meet Veronica Hastings at seven.

Santana: And it is…

Santana looks at her watch as Dani puts the paper back into her back pocket.

Santana: Six we have an hour to find this place.

Santana gets up.

Dani: All right let’s go and try to find this place.

Dani and Santana start to walk off.

Santana: So how did you find this Veronica Hastings?

Dani: My mom had her name and number written down in a notebook and I gave her a call she was very friendly and it sounded like she knew my parents.

Santana: So she might know what happened to them?

Dani: I don’t know but it’s worth a try.

Dani and Santana continue to walk around.

-Emily’s (POV)-

-The Brew-

I’m working today and it’s the same old same old I have to clear off the tables and then wipe them off. Sometimes I wish that I had a different job but, it helps me help my mom pay the bills and that’s what I want to do. I can’t swim anymore because of my shoulder (It’s a long story) anyways a customer walks in and I walk up to them

Emily: Hi my name is Emily what can I get for you?

Dani: Um hi I am new around here and I am looking for a place called The Grille?

I smile and she smiles back this girl is cute she has blonde hair, brown eyes, and a killer smile.

Emily: Oh that is just a couple of buildings down I can show you if you want me to.

Dani: Oh yeah sure that would be great.

Emily: Okay.

I turn to Connor.

Emily: Hey Connor I’ll be right back I’m going to show her where The Grille is.

Connor: Okay.

I walk from behind the counter and outside.


I see another girl she has long black hair, tan skin, and big brown eyes she is also cute. She crosses her arms across her chest when she sees me and the other girl come out.

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