What Happened Here?

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-Santana's (POV)-

-Apartment 201-

I hear Dani gasp when she opens the door more (I decided to wait next to the door) I walk up behind her and I gasp as well. The place is trashed and things are broken before I can say what I am thinking Dani says something.

Dani: Looks like someone got here before us.

Santana: That's what I was thinking. What do you want to do?

Dani: I still want to look around to see if I can find anything.

I nod my head and we start looking around.

-Spencer's (POV)-

-Spencer's House-

I'm sitting at the counter doing my homework there is a knock on the back door. I get up and answer it I smile when I see Toby standing there he leans down and kisses me I kiss him back.

Spencer: What brings you here?

Toby: Well I thought that we could go and have dinner together.

Toby puts his hands on my waist while I put my arms around him.

Spencer: I would love to go to dinner with you.

Toby: Great let’s go.

I go and grab my jacket and phone my phone goes off I look at it Aria is calling me. I answer the phone as I am heading out the door.

Spencer: Where the hell have you been?

Aria: I was giving Santana and Dani a ride to Philly.

Spencer: Why did they go to Philly?

Aria: I have to idea but I stayed behind and followed them to an apartment building.

Spencer: Did you go in?

Aria: Why yes Spence I did of course I didn’t.

Spencer: Why are they there?

Aria: I don’t know.

Spencer: Why don’t you go into the apartment building and see?

Aria: I don’t even know what apartment they went to.

Spencer: Well approach them and demand answers I mean what they are doing is suspicious don’t you think?

Aria: I don’t know Spence I think that Dani is just trying to figure out what happened to her mom.

Spencer: Yeah and my mom is somehow connected to it. What if Dani uncovers something that can affect my life?

Aria: You mean that can affect your mom’s.

Spencer: Exactly.

Aria sighs.

Aria: All right I will go inside and see where they went.

Spencer: All right let me know what you find out.

Aria: Okay.

Aria and I hang up I look at Toby.

Toby: What was that about?

Spencer: I’ll explain everything to you over dinner.

Toby nods his head and we go into The Grille.

-Aria’s (POV)- (Philadelphia)


I get out of the car and head towards the apartment building I notice a piece of paper on the ground I pick it up and I read it. The paper has apartment 201 on I smile I'm guessing that is where Dani and Santana are I get ready to open the door when my phone goes off I take it out of my pocket and I got a new message from a blocked number “If you go in I will tell Dani and Santana all of your secrets. –A” I look around and I don’t see anyone with a phone with them I sigh and walk back to my car. What the hell does A want with Dani and Santana? Is A protecting them? Are they working for A is that why A doesn’t want me to go inside? My head starts to hurt I put my head on the steering wheel. I lift my head and hit the steering wheel what the hell are they doing up there? I sigh and I decide to head home I start the car and drive off.

-Dani’s (POV)-

-Apartment 201-

Santana and I are going through my mom’s stuff. When I feel like giving up I spot a box that is hidden I walk up to it and grab it. I see that it has a lock on it I try pulling on it but nothing there is talking and it sounds like it’s coming our way. Santana must have heard it too because she grabs my hand and we hide in the bedroom under the bed. Footsteps approach the bedroom and I can hear a guy and girl talking. All I can see is their black shoes and pants.

Guy: I already told you that I looked all over for that damn box I can’t find it anywhere.

Girl: Sometimes I work with the most stupid people ever.

Guy: Hey I’m not stupid.

Girl: Just come on there is nothing here.

Guy: I already told you that.

They leave the room we wait for a little while and we slide out from under the bed.

Santana: I think that we should get out of here.

Dani: I think so too.

Santana and I leave the apartment with the box.

-Spencer’s (POV)-

-The Grille-

Toby and I are at The Grille we already ordered I told Toby everything. I keep checking my phone just in case Aria called or texted.

Toby: Spence can’t we just have dinner together?

Spencer: Oh yeah of course I’m just worried about Aria she hasn’t texted or anything.

Toby: Maybe she is talking to this Santana and Dani.

Spencer: I still can’t believe that she gave them a ride to Philly I mean what if…

Toby: They are working for A?

Spencer: Yeah she could’ve walked right into a trap.

Toby: I’m sure if they were working for A Aria wouldn’t have been able to call you.

Spencer: That is true.

Toby: So why don’t you…

Toby takes my phone from her and grabs my hand.

Toby: Enjoy dinner with your amazing boyfriend.

I smile and he smiles. I still can’t help but wonder if Santana and Dani are with A. I guess I’m going to have to do some investigating myself, but for now I’ll focus on Toby.

Okay I am so sorry for not updating this story. Anyways what do you think is in the box? *Leave comments* Are you guys enjoying this story?

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