Helping Out a Friend

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-Santana's (POV)-

Rachel, Quinn, Aria, Spencer, Hanna, Emily, and I are sitting in the waiting room waiting for Dr. Kingston to come out from the back. Dani had to go into surgery for her arm. I didn't notice Emily standing in front of me until she says something.

Emily: Here I got you something to drink.

I look at Emily she has bandages on her hands and a butterfly stitch on her head. She is holding out a drink I reach out and grab it.

Santana: Thank you.

Emily: You're welcome.

Rachel sits next to me and grabs my hand.

Rachel: How are you doing?

Santana: I'm doing okay I'm just worried about Dani.

Quinn: She will be fine she is a strong person.

Rachel: Quinn is right San Dani is strong.

I take a drink and look up Dr. Kingston comes from the back I get up and walk up to him.

Santana: How is she?

Dr. Kingston: She is in recovery right now.

Santana: Can we see her?

Dr. Kingston: One of you can for a little bit she needs to rest. She is in room 301.

Santana: Okay. Thank you.

Dr. Kingston: You're welcome.

I walk up to the group.

Rachel: What did he say?

Santana: She is in recovery right now.

Quinn: Can we see her?

Santana: He said that one of us could.

Rachel: You should go.

Santana: Okay. Do you want me to tell her anything?

Quinn: Just tell her to get better.

Rachel: And that we are thinking about her.

Santana: Okay.

I hug Rachel than I hug Quinn. I wave to Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily. I head to Dani's hospital room.

-Emily's (POV)-

After Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and I leave the hospital we decide to go to Hanna's house. When we get there all of us go to Hanna's room.

-Hanna's Room-

I sit on the bed Hanna sits on my right side Aria sits on my left side Spencer sits in front of us.

Spencer: So why were the two of you in that building?

Emily: We were meeting Alison there she had information for Dani.

Hanna: Was she there when the building fell?

I shake my head.

Emily: No she was gone.

Spencer: What was this information that she had?

Emily: I don't know all I know is that it was an envelope I didn't get to see what was inside.

Aria: Do we even want to know what it was? I mean this has to do with Dani not us.

Spencer: Yeah and my mom.

Aria: So what are you saying?

Spencer: I think that we should help Dani.

Emily: Yeah I tried to help and look what happened.

Spencer: We will just make sure that we don't go into anymore buildings.

We chuckle a little.

Aria: I guess that I could help.

Hanna: Me too.

Emily: Yeah same here.

Spencer: Okay when Dani gets out of the hospital we will make sure that we help as much as we can. Deal?

Emily: Deal.

Hanna: Deal.

Aria: Deal.

After we get done talking about Dani we talk about other stuff.

-Santana's (POV)-

-Dani's Hospital Room-

I walk into Dani's hospital room she is laying in bed with her eyes closed. I grab a chair and pull it next to her bed. I grab her good hand she scrunches her eyebrows and opens her eyes she smiles when she sees me.

Dani: Hi.

Santana: Hi.

Dani: How long have you been here?

Santana: At the hospital or in your room?

Dani: Both.

I smile a little.

Santana: I've been at the hospital since this afternoon and I just got in your room.

Dani: You could've went back to barn you know.

Santana: No I had to be here.

Dani: I'm sorry.

Santana: For what?

Dani: For dragging you into this mess.

Santana: You didn't drag me into it I chose to come with you. Do you want to know why?

Dani: Why?

Santana: Because you are my girlfriend and I love you.

Dani: I love you too. I just feel like I haven't figured out anything you know?

Santana: What about the journals? You found those.

Dani: Yeah.

Santana: And I'm sure you went with Emily to the building because you were getting something right?

Dani: But I never got to see what was inside the envelope.

Santana: Well do you still have it?

Dani: I think that its with my stuff.

I look around and see Dani's stuff I get up and grab it I set it on the bed and sit on the bed. Dani grabs the envelope I grab her stuff and stick it on the chair I was sitting on. I see her open the envelope and take what's inside of it out. She gasps she shows me what it is and I am shocked.

to be continued...

What did you guys think of this part? Do you think that its a good idea that the liars are going to help Dani out? What do you think was in the envelope? *Leave comments*

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