Chapter 8

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"No! Darren! I will kill you if you do that!" I screeched.

"Easy, it won't hurt.."

"OWWW!! It's painful you idiot!"

"I'm trying to be gentle here!" He shouted back.

"Just get it out! It's so big!"

"Relax.. it's going to be fine.."


Okay, when you are thinking it the way I know any person would, heck, it's not what you think and you're a perv. ;)

I'm in my room and this huge spider is lurking on my feet, I don't know when, where or how it got there, all I know is, Darren is using his mighty slipper and he is hitting my leg instead of the spider.

"Darren! Hurry up!! Kill it now!!" I cried, tears streaming down because of fear.

"Heck, this would be easier if I am not afraid of spiders, okay?! But I am too!"

"Just get it away from meeee!!"

Finally, he managed to slap the spider dead and my leg.

"Darreeeeenn!!!" I shouted again.

"Okay okay, I'll get a tissue,"

So a spider is bleeding on my leg, just looking at it sends shivers down my spine.

Darren quickly took a tissue and wiped it all off.

"Whew, glad that's over," I said, wiping off a sweat.

Yes, I did sweat because of fear.

"Geez, it's just a spider.." Darren said.

"Hey! You're also scared to it!" I replied,

"I'm not!"

"You just admitted it a while ago!"

"Tsk, dang.."

I chuckled at his weird reply, oh yeah, you must be wondering what happened after the kiss, so quick flashback.

I was left, stunned, I went back to my room, I just listened to some snazzy tunes and read some magazines to calm my nerves but it didn't even work.

A knock came in my door, it was Darren.

"Look.. I wanted to tell you--"

"Err.. about the kiss.." I started.

"Yeah, let's forget about that. It was just.. um.. I just like joking around." Darren said, scratching the back of his hair.

"Oh yeah.. I knew you were. It's alright." I smiled sheepishly.

"Let's.. um.. the bet.. I also want to cancel it.." Darren said.

Whoa, someone record this right now.

Darren being all shy is basically different than the arrogant one.

"Yeah, sure." I said, smiling back, although I was a bit confused.

"Let's be.. friends, okay?" He smiled.

"Err.. sure, I'd love that."

Still confused, this bipolar Darren is killing me!

"Goodnight." Darren greeted, closing the door.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking but I guess it's better this way.

But it's too weird to be true, right? -_-

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