Baby/ suga

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This is a request, but they said to not @ them, but I hope you do like it! ❤️ I didn't proof read so if anything is miss slept I'm sorry!

I look down at the test to see '+' meaning, I'm pregnant...

How in the hell am I supposed to tell suga?!! And bighit?!! Worry washed over my body as you got tears in your eyes. There was a knock on the door

"Baby you been in there for 10 minuets, are you ok?!" You heard yoongi's voice

You wiped your tears as you cleared your throat

"Yeah, I-I'll be out soon!" You said as you can hear him sigh

"You promise nothing is wrong?" He asked knowing that he is worried

"I'll be out soon, give me 3 minuets" you ignore his question cuz you didn't want to lie to him

Your happy of course! But yoongi being in bts and bighit not really wanting you guys to date, you have no idea on how your going to tell them

You look up to see yoongi standing there staring at you. He can tell you have been crying a little cuz your eyes are a little red. You watch as his eyes went from yours to the sink as he saw the test and as his face had no expression on it making you very worried

"Why d-didn't you t-tell me?" He stuttered

"I-I just now found out" you said back

"I'm happy, I'm very happy, but what about the band? What about my job? What the hell is bighit going to say?" He asked as he looked over at as your wanting to cry out knowing that he doesn't want a baby

He noticed as grabbed your hands

"I want a baby, but now is not the right time" He said as his words stabbed you in the gut

"I don't think they would want you having a baby..." a tear stream came out your left eye as you only felt pain

And with that he kissed your hand and walked out. You look down at your stomach as you put your hand over it having a sob come out

"Me and you can get through this" you said as you closed your eyes as all the tears came out

"Even if he doesn't want us" and with that you walked out the bathroom and got dressed

Weeks has passed and you now have a bump. All the boys know and they are so happy, but yoongi? He's not very happy

"When are you going to tell bighit?" Jin asked as you and him were out shopping for new clothes cuz you are getting bigger

"I don't know... I know they won't want my having it, they don't even like me and yonngi dating" you said as you picked up a shirt

"You have to tell them, your starting to get noticeable" he said as he picked up a shirt and threw it in the cart

"Yah! You didn't show me it!" You yelled at him

"You will look cute in it anyways!" He yelled back

You smiled at him, but shortly your smile disappears and worry washes over you. Bighit, yoongi, the fans, what in the hell am I supposed to do?! Tears came to your eyes but Jin pulled you into a hug as he pats your back

"Listen, I'm here for you. I'll take care of the baby if they won't. I'm sorry that yoongi is not really big into this. If he or she needs a father figure, I'll be here for it, as I promise" he said as he looked into your eyes as you just nod your head

"Thank you" is what you said as you went to the cheek out

Today, today is the day were you go and tell them your pregnant. Yoongi came, after it took you 20 minuets to convince him to come. You walk into the small room where like 15 people were. They all looked at you as you saw there manager look you up and down as your face become red of embarrassment

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