The Group Chat

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A/n: so, these chapters won't be long or anything. This book is just supposed to be something I could work on when bored. Enjoy.


Peter added Shuri to the chat

Shuri: what's up fu-


Peter: why do you have my phone?

Shuri: because frick you, that's why.

Tony: what's going on? She doesn't have your phone...

Thor: it is what they call a 'vine'

Thor: hi my name is trey have I have a basketball game tomorrow

Peter: so proud of you thor :')

Shuri: Peter has taught you well :')

Tony: disappointed but not surprised

Thor: you're just jealous I understand what 'vines' are

Tony: thor, I know what they are. I just don't care for them

Shuri: GaSP

Peter: disappointed but not surprised

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