Baby Boy

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It was six in the morning when the Avengers were notified of a breach in the compound. Everyone had suited up, ready to fight whoever broke in. What they didn't expect was the fact that it was Deadpool of all things.... And that he was talking to Peter in the kitchen with a Mexican takeout bag in hand.

"Oh, hey guys," Peter said innocently, not knowing why everyone was suited up.  "You guys going on a mission?"

Clint muttered something about how he's too old for this and left. Natasha gave Deadpool an unpleasant glare. Bucky and Steve looked confused. And Tony was pissed off Deadpool was even in the same room as Peter.

"Jeez, you guys look more pissed off at me than you guys were when Thanos snapped half the universe out of existence," Deadpool commented as he took a taco out of the bag and gave it to Peter.

Everyone looked at Deadpool with a confused look, clearly not understanding who Thanos was and when that event had happened. Deadpool cocked a brow and realized something.

"Shit, wrong AU? Fanfiction is weird, sorry guys," Deadpool hopped off the counter, leaving the takeout bag on it.

By now, Natasha, Bucky, and Steve had left, leaving Tony alone with the two.

"Peter, just because Shuri went to Wakanda for a bit doesn't mean you can just start hanging out with Wade of all people," Tony had officially went into dad mode at this point. "I'd rather have you hangout with Loki again,"

Peter finished his taco, not bothering to get another.

"He's not that bad, Mr. Stark," Peter started, "You kinda get used to him after a while,"

Deadpool loosely wrapped his arm over Peter's shoulders.

"Aw, thank you very much, Baby boy," Deadpool wiped away a fake tear before letting go of Peter.

Deadpool checked his watch, "Now, as much as I would love to stay, I have work to do,"

Deadpool ruffled Peter's hair before running over to the elevator as Tony's suit began covering his body.

"Bye, Spidey!" Deadpool waved before the doors closed.

An awkward silence filled the kitchen before Tony spoke up.

"I'm going to kill him one day," Tony muttered.

"I know," Peter laughed.

A/N I've been running on 3 hours of sleep today and I didn't know what to write so here you go

Update: No, there will not be any Spideypool in this fanfic as i'm using MCU Peter. MCU Peter is a minor and i'm not going to write gross romance about a grown man with a teenager.

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