Petey boi makes a youtube channel

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Peter, Tony, Steve, and Shuri were chilling in the living room when Peter decided to quickly make a youtube channel. He wasn't really planning on making any videos. The channel was mostly for him to just like and subscribe. Yet, Ned had somehow convinced him to make a video. So, that's what Peter is doing now.

Peter got off the couch he and Shuri were on and opened up the camera on his Stark phone. He propped his phone up against the armrest of the couch, opposite from where Shuri was sitting at. He pressed record and quickly went to Shuri's side of the couch.

"What are you doing?" Shuri asked Peter. They were watching vine compilations together.

"Making an intro for my youtube video," He answered before jumping on Shuri's armrest, then over her, only to dive into his phone.

Tony and Steve had stopped doing whatever they were doing and watched Peter.

"Please tell me you aren't making another one of those tiktok videos?" Tony was tired of the new trends this kid would join in on. First the tide pod challenge (that was horrific to walk in on) and now tiktok.

"Tiktok?" Steve gave a curious look at Tony.

"I'll explain later," Tony replied

Peter's head popped up from the couch, phone in hand. Shuri snatched it out of his head to watch the video.

"Oh my goodness, Peter! That's hilarious! You can even see Tony's and Steve's reaction in the glass," Shuri couldn't stop laughing.

"I'll send you the video once I edit it," Peter smiled.

a/n honestly idk what to write. also sorry for not posting in a while, whoops. i think i might make a chapter about the tide pod incident lol

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