Bubblegum Pink

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Peter had finally done it.... He finally uploaded his first YouTube video. Guess what it was called...

'yes, it's possible that i actually died after uploading this'

"Um... Hi," Peter said to his phone. He was sitting in his desk chair.

"Sorry about the intro. I've been watching ironic tiktok's and wanted to jump into my phone," He fidgeted with his sleeve.

"Any who! Enjoy this compilation of me annoying my boss and his friends," Peter smiled and waved bye at the camera.


Peter had his phone pointed at the ground as he ran screaming. Suddenly, the camera falls out of his hand, him along with it. An 'oof' can be heard from him as he looks up.

The phone's camera captures Peter and Tony in frame.

"Why are you running? Also why are you screaming," Tony questioned Peter.

All Peter does is point down the hall. With Tony distracted, Peter grabs his phone, switching the camera to face him before he ran off again.

"Shit, Peter. What did you do?!" Tony drops his coffee mug and runs in the same direction as Peter.

"Come here little spider," Natasha spoke with a calm voice. Natasha is down the hall with bubblegum pink hair instead of blonde. 


Peter Quill walks into the living room with Gamora.

"I can't believe you would actually let someone prank you and get away with it!" Gamora whisper-shouts at Quill.

"Okay, to be fair! I do look good with pink hair," He smirked. Gamora rolled her eyes at him and sat on the couch.

And that was when Natasha walked in...

Peter turned around and saw her in all her glory.

"Holy shit, the kid got you too?" He laughed.

A/N lmao i have no clue what to do with this book.

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