Imagines :)

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(Hai! So i've been putting off doing imagines cause I can barely keep updates going on 'WAMH' and 'JAF'. But i figured, why not make a schedual? So idk every week a new chapter will go up on 'jaf' and then 'wamh' will be after that update. So in the period of time where i dont write for those stories, i can do imagines. Im not sure this will work but i'll try. I'll start this up coming Sunday. Just so you're not confused. Sunday is the day where i start the new chapters and then all through the week, i'll work on all of my stories then on Saturday, ill publish. Okay? I hope it works oh and these imagines will be for MAGcon, A.M., and some others. I dont know if request will be open but i'll try.)

                                               -Isabelle <3


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