Chapter 13: Serious Danger

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Sky's POV

When I got out of the hospital Josh got me caught up on everything. I couldn't believe that no one had seen Ben Fan khauser in a day or so and that Andrew couldn't be trusted anymore. It all came as a shock to me.
"So, how are we going to rescue Ben?" Quinn asked. I had gone over to Ben and Josh's apartment to see everyone.
"I think Andrew is working for them. Maybe if we hold Andrew hostage and only let him go if we get Ben back," Josh started.
"It would never work. We'd only be breaking the law as much as they are," Ben said. "Plus, Andrew would deny any involvement."
"You're right. That's no way to get Ben back. Maybe we should call the police. They helped me and Sky when we escaped. Maybe they'll help Ben," Quinn said.
"Quinn, the police might not do anything this time. They aren't always reliable," I said. Then there was a knock on the door. Ben got up and opened the door. Suddenly Andrew ran in.
"You all are in danger. There's no time to explain, we have to get Quinn out of here," he said.
"I'm not going anywhere without Ben," Quinn said.
"You'll have to. Quinn, they'll kill you if they find you. They've moved from trying to get you back to killing you no matter what. We have to get you away," Andrew said. Everyone looked around the room at each other.
"Andrew, what are you talking about?" Ben asked.
"The man from the hospital is out to kill Quinn now. I saw Ben and he told me everything the man said about her."
"What did he say?"
"Quinn is from Washington state and she was kidnapped by some human traffickers."
"What? Are you sure?" I asked.
"Yes, now let's go. We're all in danger. The longer we sit here talking the more we have to go," Andrew said. Quinn stood up and went to the door.
"Fine, let's go," she said.
"You can't be serious. Quinn, he's the reason for this danger," Josh said.
"I don't care. Going with him right now would shut him up about any sort. So come on," Quinn said. Andrew seemed relieved. Ben got up and went over to Quinn. And Josh and I followed. As soon as the door was opened we all saw the man standing there with a creepy smile on his face. I pulled Quinn away from him and into the kitchen. I thought we'd be a little more safer there. We could hear the fighting near the door and Quinn started to rummage through some of the cupboards.
"What are you looking for?" I asked in a whisper.
"A frying pan. Any would do, but a cast iron one would be best," she replied. Then she found what she was looking for. "Oh, Sky, you might want to call the cops."
"No you can't come in!" Ben yelled. Then the man came in anyway. I turned and pulled out my phone. I did what Quinn said. But I looked just in time to see Quinn smack the man in head with the frying pan.

Andrew's POV

A few hours after the man had called me with a threat against Ben's life, he called me again. This time telling me about how he would kill Quinn. I couldn't let that happen, so I tracked her down. When I went over to Ben Cook's apartment I tried to get them to leave with me to keep them safe. But when we went the man was there.
"Where is the girl?" The man asked.
"She's not here," Josh said.
"I just saw her," the man replied.
"That was someone else," Ben butted in. It turned into a shouting match. The man tried to get in further and that's when I noticed Quinn had a frying pan in her hand. She swung the frying pan at the man and it him in the head. He fell to the ground.
"Quinn, that was amazing ," Ben said.
"Thanks. Let's go, we don't know who else is after us," Quinn said. "Where do you think Ben is?"
"My apartment. I know for sure. Come on, we have to go to Brooklyn," I said. I grabbed Quinn's hand and she pulled it away from me.
"How do I know I can trust you?"
"Because I'm helping you find Ben. If that's not a reason to trust me I don't know what is."
"You tried to give me back to him!"
"Look, we need to go. Quinn, take my hand. Andrew lead the way," Sky said. I went towards the door but stopped when a few cops came in.
"What's going on?" Ben asked.
"We got a call about a man who was trying to get in. Is he still here?" A cop asked.
"Um, yeah, he's right here," I replied. I showed the cops where the man was lying on the floor.
"Who knocked him out?" Another cop asked.
"I did," Quinn said.
"We'll, that was quite the swing. He might be dead. We can't find a pulse, so we're going to get some paramedics," the cop said.
"Okay. Um, can we actually get some help?" Ben said.
"Sure, what do you need help with?" The cop replied.
"Our friend is at my apartment, but this man was using my apartment to hold the friend captive. We were just going to get the friend out and away," Andrew said.
"Where is your apartment?"
"Okay, we'll get some cops from the Brooklyn precinct to go check it out. You five should stay here," the cop said. We all agreed to the plan.

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