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Nico nodded his head to the music playing through his head phones while quietly mumbling the words. He jogged along the side of the road trying to be in time for his bus to school. The rain started to pour when he was halfway there. He threw on his hood and picked up his pace. When he finally reached the bus stop, he sat in the first seat he could trying to get as far away from the noise as possible. He knew it wouldn't really matter if he sat in the back but he didn't want anybody bothering him.

Nico was resting his head on the wall when the boy sitting behind him tapped him on his back. Though the sound was muffled he could hear what the boy was saying.

"Your song is on." The boy repeated while signaling for Nico to take of his head phones. Nico did and cracked a smile when he heard it.

"WHEN DID I LOSE MYSELF?" Shouted some of the kids in the back of the bus mixed in with a few people saying other stuff. 

Nico's listened to his own music on the radio all the time but he still couldn't help laugh at the fact kids at his school were listening to his music. All he does when writing is talk about his feelings in things he's dealing with. Paralyzed was about how he distanced himself from everybody and lost his feelings after his sister died.

The bus finally pulled up to the school and everybody started shoving each other trying to get off first. Nico quickly got into his first period class, English, trying to beat the teacher, Mr. Overton. If you get there after him you get to be the unlucky person that sprays AXE deodorant on themselves. If everybody beats him, somebody sprays the bottle on his chair. So either way, you have to smell AXE. 

The phone rang a few minutes after Nico got to class and Mr. Overton wasn't there yet so Nico answered it. "Hello this is Nico di Angelo answering for Mr. Overton."

"Hi son." His dad said happily through the phone.

Nico sighed and covered his face with his free hand. "What do want?" Nico held the phone closer to his face as he started wondering why his father would be calling. Nico looked down at his jeans and rubbed his eye.

"Am I not allowed to just check up on my son?" He replied.


"I need to talk to you so I'm pulling you out of school for today."

"I just got here!" Nico started tapping his foot and he clenched his fist.

"Just come on!" His father yelled back. 

Nico tossed his backpack on his shoulder and walked down the crowded hall filled with kids trying to get to class before the bell rang. He shoved through everybody and made his way to the office and say his dad standing at the door with his nice suit on. "Hi."

His dad was tall and lean with a very pale skin complexion. He had thin lips and everything about him seemed professional. He started walking out of the building and Nico followed behind him. "Okay Nico, I need to address your living situation."

Nico raised an eyebrow and laughed. My living situation, huh. I wonder who left me in that position in the first place, Nico thought as he started kicking the ground. Nico caught up to his father and walked beside him as he observed every possible detail about him. Good posture, stiff arms, and focused. "What about it?"

"I can't have you living by yourself anymore," He said while having the most blank slate look on his face.

Nico stopped dead in his tracks. "What do you mean? I can do it, because I'm seventeen. I'm registered as an unaccompanied minor. The program you suggested. You can't make these choices anymore," Nico ranted. He already wasn't happy about him showing up in the first place. His father disappeared after his mother died leaving he and Bianca in the foster community. Nobody was able to adopt them so  when Bianca turned 16, she signed up for the independent living program and they lived there for awhile. Then Bianca dies in a car accident when getting Nico a gift for his birthday.

"I need you to take in your half sister." He stopped and turned around facing Nico. "She's 16 and she can't live on her own." He turned back around and started walking again. "She's at your apartment right now."

Nico sighed heavily and kept walking. He was mad at his father for showing up randomly and dropping this news on him the day of. Mad is an understatement. He was infuriated. Nico needed to move things around to fit her now and make sure she was settled in. He may be frustrated that he can't do his own thing but he won't let her be alone. He knows that being left alone hurts more then any wound.

They continued towards Nico's apartment and when Nico opened the door he saw a girl with a bowl of soup in her hands. She put it down on the table that was next to the sofa. He noticed in that she had put in one of his albums. Mansion specifically. Came out in 2015. 

"Hi. My name's Hazel Levesque, I'm 16, and there's nothing else to say really." Hazel held out her hand to shake Nico's. "I found out you make music and decided to play some to I guess know you a little more. It's very, very, very, depressing."

Nico had to laugh at her attempt to bond with him. He knew that his father had left earlier so he shut the door. He invited Hazel to sit on the couch and talk to actually get to know each other. They talk about school, music, games, and anything they could think of to keep the conversation going.

Hi everybody. I'm back. I didn't use Hades' name because who names their child after a Greek God. Actually don't answer that. Point is, I don't feel like that sounds good so I  you have a suggestion for his name I'll look at it. I had no clue how to introduce  Hazel so yeah. They live in New York by the way. Okay. Bye.

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