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Annabeth sighed as she thought about where she was going to live. She could always go to San Fransico with her dad but the studio and her friends were in San Diego. LA was a better option but the studio was still a little less than 3 hours away from LA. Either way, she had to move out of Thalia's old apartment. She'd been staying in Thalia's old apartment since she went off to live with some of her friends.

Annabeth pulled out her phone and called Percy. She had finished the songs he'd asked for a few months ago. She scrolled through her contacts and when she clicked Percy's name she started getting a little nervous. The phone stopped ringing and Annabeth heard Percy's laugh on the phone.

"Hey, Percy. Are you still in San Diego?" Annabeth walked to her purse and pulled out six tickets.

"Yeah," he replied with a slight chuckle. "Why?"

Annabeth held the back of her neck and laughed. "Well I ended up with six tickets to a musical, and kinda have nobody to go with." Annabeth had friends but the majority of them were in Manhattan or San Fransico.

Percy hesitated and all you could hear was his muffled talking. "Well Annabeth, you're in luck. I just happen to be with four people right now who have nothing to do. What time?"

Annabeth exhaled and looked at the tickets time. "Um... It says 3 pm. Late notice I know. I was sidetracked about some other stuff about m-" Annabeth was cut off by Percy.

"It's fine." Percy's voice calmed her down. "We'll be there."

Annabeth changed out of her tank top and threw on a shirt that read book nerd and some jeans. She always went for the comfort look. Just not as comfortable as Piper. Piper will walk the house and go out on a date in a tank top.

Annabeth eyed her wrist forgetting she took off her watch. She looked at herself in the mirror one last time and smiled. She walked out of the apartment and drove to the theatre and waited outside of the entrance for Percy while constantly checking her phone. When she saw him standing next to her, Annabeth's face lit up. "You know I have 6 tickets, right?"

Percy smirked and looked behind him. Reyna, Jason, Piper, and Leo all were walking next to one another. "I know."

Annabeth eyed Leo. "How and why is Leo here? Doesn't he live in El Paso, Texas?" Annabeth saw the boy and his small stature. He had his hands in his pocket's of his green army jacket.

"Didn't one of them tell you?" Percy's smile transformed into a frown. "Beryl, Thalia and Jason's mom died. He came for the support I guess. I don't know if there's gonna be a funeral."

Annabeth squirmed in place. She figured Thalia wouldn't say anything, but Jason, she was surprised she didn't find out from him. She just nodded with a straight face. Thalia had never been close with her mom. Matter of fact, since Thalia was about 7 when Beryl had put Jason up for adoption it turned into a hatred. Now at 22 years old, and she still won't ever bring her up in a conversation.

"Well let's end the sad fest." Leo put his hand on Percy's shoulder and grinned. "What's the play about?"

"A boy commits suicide and-" Annabeth started until Leo stopped.

"I said to end the sad fest. What kind of play is this?" Leo chuckled. He scratched the top of your head. "I gotta go back to El Paso sooner or later and I've still got no place to live yet. I'm sick of motels."

Annabeth could tell that he wasn't telling the full truth. She'd been learning to read people's faces. Just a handy thing to be able to do sometimes. Annabeth saw Piper walk over and looked at her outfit. She wore a light blue cropped hooded sweatshirt.

"Leo, you asked me for 500 dollars the other day. And the time before that, you asked me for another 300 dollars, yet you have no apartment." Piper put her hand in her back pocket and shook her head.

Annabeth handed them the tickets and they took the seats. As the show started, during one particular song she noticed Percy and Jason singing along. Since it was close to intermission, Annabeth asked them.

"We looked up the soundtrack before we got here," Percy said.

"On repeat," Reyna added on.

"With full volume." Piper leaned over to join the conversation.

"Not to mention they were singing along, and despite the fact they are both singers, they failed. Miserably." Leo started a quiet little slow clap and Percy and Jason pursed their lips.

"Anyway," Percy changed the subject. "How'd you get 6 tickets?"

Annabeth started fidgeting with her hands, which wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but she'd trained herself to stay controlled. "I... uh... they were from my uncle." Like Leo and the motel situation, that wasn't a lie, but not a full truth. Her uncle, Randolph Chase, had just died so her dad gave her some of the money to spend.

"Hey." Reyna snapped in Annabeth's face and it startled her. "Jason has a stupid idea to propose."

Jason pouted at her. When he fixed his face he fiddled with his thumbs. "I was thinking we could go on like a tour. As a group."

Percy ran his hand through his hair. "I gotta ask my mom 'cause I still live with her." Percy had an awkward smile. "I'm probably going back to New York soon."

Annabeth and Piper smirked and faced each other. "After the war, I went back to New York."

"A-after the war, I went back to New York."

"I finished up my studies and I practiced law."

"I practiced law, Burr worked next door."

Both girls held their hands over their mouth to muffle their laughter.

Percy stared at them and Jason sighed. "Hamilton."

Percy brushed off his orange shirt. His sea green eyes always amazed Annabeth. The chances of him having green eyes when his mom has blue eyes are so slim.

"Well if we do this, we might want to appeal to more genres of music. I know I a rapper. A real rapper that doesn't rap about sex." Jason slipped his hand in his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Hey, Nico."

Percy got stiff when hearing Nico's name. A few years ago, Percy was in a car crash that ended up killing the boy's sister. Annabeth wasn't there but she knows that Nico hated Percy for it. Percy shook his head and Annabeth tapped Jason's shoulder. He looked up and lowered the phone. "Not Nico. Please no."

Jason held his breath and raised his phone and started talking again. Percy shoved past Leo and chased Jason out of the room with a crowd staring at them. Leo frowned and chased after them too.

"Boys," The three sighed and looked at the ground.

I was having writers' block and needed to move the plot forward so they're going on tour. I know a few of you may be wondering, "Where's my Percabeth?" Hold on. Hamilton will be brought up a lot. I saw it a while ago and it's the only thing I've been listening to since. So yeah, I like musicals. Like a lot. I don't know what to say again. Frank's probably next. I'll get him in some way.

Percy Jackson Musical AUWhere stories live. Discover now