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"Hey ma." Percy said through the phone while laying on the hotel bed. He was without the covers on because he couldn't pull them from out the place they were tucked. "I'm going on tour with the gang." Percy sounded bitter sweet.  He dryly smiled with the phone in his hands. "I'll be staying at Jason's until the tour's planned."

Sally's voice soothed Percy despite them being on the phone. She was tired and overworked dealing with Estelle who had just turned 3 recently. "Have fun, Percy. Paul and I need backstage passes of you come to New York though," she joked making Percy laugh a bit before they hung up.

As much as Percy wanted to go on tour, he felt like it would be a handful. Nine young adults traveling the country alone. Good idea. Nico isn't even 18 yet. Percy can't even understand how he has his own apartment. And then there's Hazel who's not even 16 yet. 

Percy began texting Reyna almost immediatly.

Percy: Hey Rey

Rey: I told you to stop calling me that in high school and you still do it 

Percy: Yeah ik

Percy: Anyways, what are you thinking about this tour?

Rey: I think it is a good marketing strategy

Percy: Other than that?

Rey: I honestly think it will take months to plan

Percy: Do you think we have months

Rey: Maybe two months

Percy: Well we better get to planning if this is going to work

Rey: But you know that we're gonna have stop in New York

Percy: My mom's not going to let us leave without spending a day with her

Rey: Your mom is great Percy

Percy: I know that. That's why I'm so amazing

Rey: That's an overstatement

Rey: Jason and I might stop by your hotel tomorrow

Percy: It's room 347

Rey: Okay

Percy: Well anyways, I gotta figure out how to pull the covers from under the mattress

Rey: Have fun

Percy rolled off the bed and sighed loudly. He tugged on the covers repeatedly failing to remove them. He eventually just lifted the mattress and took them out that way. He took his shoes off and wrapped himself in the covers. 

Percy awoke to a pouning on the door in the morning. Or at least what he thought was the morning. Checking the clock, he realized it was 12:00 o'clock. He opened the door and saw Reyna and Jason standing in the doorway. He let them in and sat upright on his bed in his pajamas. "Hey, guys."

"So, Jason and I were talking to Annabeth and Piper, and we picked a few places to stop." Reyna sent Percy a message listing a few different cities. San Diego, LA, and Seattle. "And Piper picked a few dates already because we don't have much time."

Percy genuinely didn't know how well a tour planned two months in advanced would work. He'd never done a tour before. He played at shows all over the country, even one in Canada, but he'd never toured. And he didn't have an album either. A couple of EPs and some hit singles but that was it. 

Jason and Reyna on the other hand, they had two albums already and were working on a third at the time. Percy looked at their success and felt like a failure in comparison. He knew he had no right to feel so horrible seeing as how he had plenty of money to spare. He made so much money from one hit song. There was still Leo who could hardly get on Spotify and Soundcloud. 

Speaking of Leo, he had a question he meant to ask him. About a week prior, Leo had called Percy at  maybe 11:00 o'clock at night. And after saying "hey" he hung up. But he wasn't alone. That much was obvious, even for a seaweed brain like himself. 

"So, Percy, hurry up and make an album or something." Jason clapped his hands and pulled Reyna's head onto his shoulder. She immediately removed her head but it was a cute gesture regardless.

"Do you realize how long an album takes to make and record?" Percy exclaimed not realizing how dumb he sounded.

"Yes," they said in unison as Percy made the connection he wished he'd noticed earlier. He's talking to the people who've already made two albums. 

To be completely honest, Percy had a couple of songs ready, most of them he'd written himself. Enough for an album. He had his friend Annabeth write two of them, but six of his own songs was impressive to Percy. 

"Okay, I have enough songs for an album. Problem is, I wrote them. So they're probably not that good," Percy admitted. 

"Well can we see them?" Jason requested. His lip distracted Percy a decent amount. The small scar on it he gave himself when he was two. He basically ate a stapler and gave himself a permanent scar. 

Percy rummaged through his bags looking for the papers he wrote the songs on. He had copies of them on his phone but he preferred writing them on paper. He felt like a real songwriter when he did. "Three of them were made with a duet in mind but..." Percy didn't finish his sentence. "I have myself singing two of them." Percy would definetely be a nominee for the award of 'Least Organized Celebrity.' His ADHD distracted to much for him to complete much of anything. He had two moods. He either couldn't focus on anything, or could only focus on one thing at all. The former was most common. No multi-tasking for him.

"Well send them to us ya dummy," Jason demanded with a bright smile. He sat in the swivel chair and spun around in circles. How he didn't get sick would always be a mystery to Percy.

Percy pulled up the recording of the song. "End of the Summer" was his genius title. The song followed a boy who had a crush and missed his oppurtunity. It's his way of saying, "I still love you." How it came to his mind, he wasn't completely sure. 

"Dude, get to the studio and record the songs. I'll get Leo to lay out the backing tracks for the other songs, but get your ass moving." Jason shooed him out of the door. "Take the key card, idiot."


It got hard to write this when my taste in music was all over the place. The only thing I listened to was Musicals such as, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Heathers, and Be More Chill. But a musical got me to get my lazy ass up and write this.

The Percy Jackson Musical. 

I was so fascinated by the soundtrack that I had to go back and read the book to check for accuracy. It's actually so accurate and the actors are amazing. George Salazer played an amazing Grover and Dionysus. And they mentioned the Hoover Dam and Bianca di Angelo.

But anyway's, here's the long overdue chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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