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Leo sat down on the bus and fiddled with his pen. Take it apart then putting it back together again over and over. With nothing better to do he was left with the pen he constantly carried around. The bus stopped and the driver walked to the back of the bus where Leo was sitting. "Kid, this is the last stop."

Leo scrambled around the seat trying to get all of his things and got off of the bus. He looked around and frowned. Alone and in the middle of nowhere. This is what happens when you leave an 18-year-old that makes money off of SoundCloud and Youtube by themselves. They wander trying to fend for themselves. As many times as he tried to get a job at a restaurant, he can't because he has no driver's license or ID or address. He just walks around and sneaking in and out of buildings like the furniture department and Walmart.

He started singing his favorite song to himself. He always sang it when he missed his mom who died when he was younger.

"It's getting late, and I cannot seem to find my way home tonight. Feels like I am falling down a rabbit hole. Falling for forever, wonderfully wandering alone."

He was lost in his thoughts until he saw two men surrounding a girl. She clearly wasn't happy about it too. He crept around the corner and kinda just stood there with his scrawny self and small stature. All three of them looked at him confused. He saw that the two men had the girl by the arm. "Hey. I... uh... you should probably let go of her. Or I'll stab you." Leo gave them an awkward grin.

All three of them started laughing. "Okay." Even the girl was laughing even though it was more of a chuckle. You could then see the men tighten their grip. She winced in pain and Leo walked up to them and pulled out a pencil from his pocket. He looked at there hands then at the girl who had her head facing the ground. He quickly stabbed them both and they started bleeding. They let go and the girl reached in her pocket. She pulled out a gun and smiled.

"Don't even think about coming for me again." She put the gun away as the boys started scrambling away. She turned to Leo and raised her eyebrow. "Thanks."

Leo looked at her up close and saw how beautiful she was. She had golden brown hair and dark almond-shaped eyes. He smiled like an idiot and followed her. "So why do you have a gun?"

She quickly turned around me with a look of panic. "You're still here?" She started to walk a little faster and she turned the corner to her apartment. She pulled out her keys and opened the door and before she could close it, Leo slid his foot in front of the door.

"Could I, uh, crash at your place?" Leo gave her a cheeky grin and opened the door. "I could help you get away from those boys." Leo looked around and saw that there was no place at all for him to sleep except her place.

She rolled her eyes. "You don't even know my name," she protested while meeting his gaze. He pouted and turned away.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to take my expertise somewhere else." Leo had a plan. Guilt trip and bribery. "It's a shame. I could've hooked you up with some pretty nice stuff. But it's fine. My name's Leo by the way."

5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

"Wait," she said. "I guess I could let you stay here. For a night. Only because you helped me."

Leo pumped his arms and gave her a big smile. "And what's your name?"

She entered the apartment and sighed. "Calypso." She walked straight into the kitchen and heated up microwavable leftovers. Calypso gave him a pillow and blankets and told him he's welcome to sleep on the couch.

Leo sat down on the couch and ran his hands through his hair. He noticed the lack of appliances and furniture in general. There was the torn up couch he was sitting on, a speaker that wasn't connected to anything, and 3 doors in the back of the room. The bathroom, a closet, and probably Calypso's room. He pulled out his phone and hooked up his phone to the speaker.

"If I should die tonight. May I first just say I'm sorry. For I, never felt like anybody. I am a man of many hats although I, never mastered anything."

Calypso came back out of the kitchen and handed him a hamburger. "You're leaving tomorrow." Calypso looked at his phone on the table and rolled her eyes.

"So... what did those... guys want?" Leo asked in between bites as he nodded his head to the music.

Calypso glared at him. "Nothing that you'd be able to help with. They want money which is clearly something you lack."

Leo nodded. "I could help you. A few of my friends are singers so they could help me out. Hold on." Leo ran to his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He clicked the contact and smiled. "Hey, Percy."

Calypso started staring at Leo when she heard that name. Leo noticed and lowered the phone. "Percy Jackson?"

Leo smiled and slowly nodded. Calypso snatched the phone out of his hand and hung up. "Don't call him. Call anybody else. Not him."

Leo looked at her like she was crazy. He took his phone back and put it back. "Now I know why your name sounds so familiar. You two were in juvie together." Leo started laughing. "Oh god. I thought you were still in juvie."

Calypso tensed up and sighed. "Just go to sleep." Calypso stormed off and slammed the door.

Leo set up the pillow and blankets and played on his phone then called Piper. "Can I ask for a favor?"

"What do you need Leo?" Piper said clearly tired.

"Can you loan me some money?" 

Ahh. Yes! I had to make Calypso a badass. You know. I'm probably doing Frank next though I'm not sure how yet. If not Frank, Percy. But yeah, I mean what else is there to say. I love Brendon Urie and Panic! at the Disco. I'm probably gonna make a lot of P!ATD references. Calypso shut the goddamn door. Hope you enjoyed. Bye.

Percy Jackson Musical AUWhere stories live. Discover now