Bunch of Strangers

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Well. Everyday we see or meet new people ..we may have some quick conversations with them.. that would make you feel less or it will just remind you of your insecurities or whatever and probably after going home and after a long day at work or school. You will find yourself feeling "down" and you start questioning yourself "what's wrong with me" "maybe I shouldn't feel like this" "maybe this whole thing is wrong" sometimes meeting new people can be something good...but I think nowadays...is seriously becoming something awkward to do.. when you actually want to ..it makes you look like a freak ..it's like nobody wants to talk..nobody wants to have real fun.. When you're in a party you always meet new people..when your friend or partner tires to get you to know the people in the party..or probably you just were invited by someone you thought he/she was your friend ..but no. anyway..you get back home ..you may feel like you've kind of been rejected and ignored..which makes you feel more insecure. It's like these days no one really wants to get to know you ..especially when you're very different from them...I don't know if we can say being different is something interesting or just makes you a weirdo. I mean we can feel it like when you're with people sometimes they can give a look or just that kind of sarcastic laugh ya know. Like "I'm better than you so shut up or just leave please" or even sometimes before even you open your mouth..it could be just the way you look or you dress.. yeah. Well judgy judgy people are everywhere..I mean that's a fact. And what all you have to do when you feel yourself that you're different. Just remind yourself that you're you , and being you is beautiful..at least you're you ,probably those strangers are not being themselves while they keep drawing a cool "perfect" pic of them anyway being different is not a mistake...being yourself will never be a mistake.

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