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Alright , I'm sure since our childhood we've always had dreams and plans of who to be in the future. But I think for most of us it didn't really work out . We probably took different directions of life. Hm, you know what , I think you have done it before I'm talking about comparing yourself with others. You think that they are prettier than you , successful than you.. Have you heard of God's timing ? they might be having their moment now , but your moment might be sooner than you think , delayed doesn't mean denied. Do yourself a favor and stop comparing your situation and circumstances with anyone else. Comparison is the thief of joy , don't fall into the trap, comparison is just a waste of time and energy that could be used towards making your own path. Remember that most people post just their best and happiest moments on social media and edit out their worst ones. So please take a moment today to stop yourself from comparing and start appreciating. Just be proud of those little steps that you are taking , you are doing just well and everything is working out for you in it's own time ..God's time.

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