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Expecting is one of the most exhausting things in the world. We really put ourselves through unnecessary suffering when we have unreasonable expectations , it's so unfair for our mental health. When you expect so much from something or someone and you have got these great expectations about it and then you been let down. Putting expectations on others and stuff will cost you a lot of your energy , try to get rid of these expectations. Know your worth and what you really need . There's absolutely no need to waste your energy by doing that while you can use it for other beneficial things. Expecting too much will just let you down and will shock you. Expecting could be damaging to your mental health. Also , one more thing , expecting is one the biggest mistakes that we keep doing plus it can be turned into a big disappointment so tempering your expectations will definitely reduce the unnecessary worrying and frustration. When you stop expecting and start accepting life becomes easier.

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