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Pov Mabel

I heard a loud knock on the door and I woke up. I look around and I see everyone waking up now.

"I'm coming." I yawned.

I got up and opened the door to see my mother and Sami. They came in and I closed the door.

Sami and my mother looked at everyone. Bill was holding onto his necklace looking at it. I can see how much pain he's in.

"Mabel I'm so sorry." My mom said.
"Mom can you please tell me what's going on." I said.
"We should have told you, but I just couldn't." Mom said.

Tears started to stream down her face and Sami comforted her.

"I took his memory." Sami said.
"What?" We all said.
"I have to tell them." Mom said.
"I have his memory Maria, I'm the only that knows the truth." Sami said.

Sami let's go of my mom and we see memories. Sami taps on one of them and it had Dipper's face.

"What's that?" Star asked.
"His memory." Sami said.
"Why is it so big?" Lady Widow said.
"This is basically his whole childhood and I replaced some of his memories." Sami said.
"Why?" Bill said.

We looked at the images and saw my dad and Dipper. Everything that Sami said appeared in front of us.

"Mason Pines was five years old when everything started. His father kept telling him that his only role in his life was to become a villain. Since he was young he believed him and trusted him." Sami told us.

I saw baby Dipper, a sweet little kid that was just confused.

"He believed his father because they both had the same power. That's when Dipper started to entrust villains more than heroes. That same year and on he started to train him to become a villain." Sami told us.

We looked at his memories and saw just him training. Day and night with no sleep, but their were times that we saw him with two little kids.

"The only problem was that due to his sickness he couldn't use his powers to his full abilities. Mark decided to train Dipper pasted his limits, to make him unstoppable." Sami stopped and looked at the memory.

We saw Dipper over working himself. I kept seeing him working and working, he was passed his danger point. Mark just beating him and telling him to get up.

"Mark thought if Dipper can go past his limits, to go beyond his danger limits that the sickness wouldn't affect him anymore. He was wrong. He only put Dipper in more danger than before." Sami said.

I kept seeing Dipper in pain, seeing him trying to fight what he had. It was horrible.

"Years passed and Dipper had perfected everything his father had taught him. Dipper's power was stronger than his own fathers. Dipper was basically a perfect weapon, but his feeling went in the way." Sami said.

We saw the person that carried Dipper in the portal. Then we saw more memories of them having fun together.

"Dipper grew a deep bond with a villain named Voice. When Mark died Dipper was at his weakest point, that's when Maria put him to sleep." Sami said.

We saw the very moment where Dipper was at his weakest.

"I erased his memory of him ever meeting all the villains. The risk was that he could remember everything." Sami finished.
"We had to keep it a secret for so long because we were afraid." Mom said.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.
"We couldn't let you know the truth because people would see your brother in a different way." Mom said.
"What happens if you didn't erase his memory?" Star asked.
"He would be in maximum security with the rest of Marks old friends." Mom said.
"It wasn't his fault though? What did the town say?" Lady Widow asked.
"No one saw Dipper, but the heroes and they kept it a secret. For the ones that refused we had to erase their memory." Sami said.
"What happens if...." Andrew said.
"We don't know if his old personality will come back." Mom said.
"So no one else knows about this but us." Will asked.
"Basically." Sami said.

We were all processing everything. My brother was a villain at one point, none of us knew.

I saw Bill just looking down at his feet, still sitting in the corner. I looked at my mom and Sami.

"What are we going to do?" I said.
"We can't interfere because we aren't the heroes from this town." Sami said.
"How are they doing to track them down?" Star asked.
"Dipper's phone is probably broken or they probably removed the GPS." Lady Widow said.
"We don't know how long it's going to take." Sami said.

Mom kept looking at Bill. Will told me that he's never seen Bill act like this before. It was worrying me.

"We're going to talk to the police and heroes from this town. We're going to help as much as possible." Mom said.

My mom and Sami left. I kept looking at everyone in confusion. This was never his fault.

"I can't believe this." I said.
"We saw his memories Mabel." Andrew said.
"That's proof." Will said.
"No not that, why would they still want him?" I said.
"We don't know Mabel, we can't interfere at all anyway." Star said.
"Theirs no way they're going to track him down. They left no trace behind or any clues." Lady Widow said.
"I can't find Dipper with my powers." I said.

Bill got up and looked at us with a straight face.

"Soul can help." Bill said.
"How can she help?" Andrew asked.
"Pinetree could summon these shadow things. Couldn't they track Pinetree down? I mean they feed off his powers." Bill said.
"That's not a bad idea." Will said.
"We just need to find Soul, find one of them that fed off Pinetree and we can easily find him." Bill said.
"They would never listen to us." I said.
"Soul will." Star said.
"Let's go!" Lady Widow said.

We all put on our shoes and raced to the high school. Soul and all the teachers are probably their.

When we made it to the school we saw so many reporters. It was crazy! We couldn't even get past them to enter the school.

"We can't get pass them." I groaned.
"I have an idea." Star said.

She stomped her foot and the reporters started to freak out. She took the power from their cameras. They started to leave and we were able to went the gates of the school.

When we got to the front doors people were blocking it.

"We're here to see Soul." Lady Widow said.
"No one is allowed inside without a pass." They said.

We kept telling them that we needed to see Soul, but they still wouldn't let us pass.

We decided to sneak inside from the back. We were doing great so far until we got caught. They kicked us out and told us not to come back.

They started to follow us until we left the school ground. We came back after two hours and they had more security.

We kept getting caught and we kept getting kicked out.

We're not giving up!

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