1 |Meeting the Brothers|

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You stand outside of a grand house, that looks like it can be from the Victorian era, taking in its vast beauty as you set foot across the driveway. With your suitcase in tow you remember why you have been sent here, your dad had to work overseas and while you don't know who your mother was, the only option was to go live with your brothers. As your dad said, but you didn't grow up with these brothers let alone hear about them until a few months ago.

You questioned your dad about it countless times but all he said to you was 'They were born way before you sweetheart' looking into this more you find out that they are step brothers to you, step brothers that you have never seen, you don't even know what their names are.

Just as you reach the door of the house it starts to rain as a clap of thunder is overhead as you jump at the sudden noise, picking up the large door knocker you bang three times and wait.

And wait.

Just as you go to try the door again, it swings open in a eerie way that makes you seem more hesitant to go in. as much as you'd like a nice warm welcome but that isn't happening.

Walking in you see that the hallway is dark, looking around for any sign of human life you call out to the nothingness "hello?" again silence. Taking a few steps in away from the door towards a large staircase with a crimson rug lining the steps.

You call out again this time standing in the light of the chandelier, "hello? Is anybody here?"

Another crack of thunder rumbles out along with a flash of lighting, making you flinch slightly.

Looking around you see that there is a sofa off to the side of the stairs and it has a body on it, in surprise you walk over to the handsome man sleeping, the way his dark hair frames is slightly rounded face. Leaning towards him you gently touch his hand that is resting upon his chest, being gentle when trying to wake him.

"Excuse me?" you whisper as your hand makes contact with his strangely pale skin, you feel that it is ice cold, in shock you lean down to hear if he is breathing or has a heartbeat, when you hear no beating of a heart you gasp.

Quickly grabbing your phone to call an ambulance, the phone is ripped from your grasp, as the supposedly dead body sits up grumbling "damn why are you so loud? I'm trying to sleep"

"You- your alive?" you stutter as the figure looks at you with piercing dark eyes.

"Yea? Why wouldn't I be alive?" he grumbles again as you sit on the floor dumbfounded, "what do you think I am?"

"B-but your heart wasn't beating! And i-' you rush out your words quickly scrambling up from the floor but before you have time to run the man grabs you by the waist and pins you to the sofa. In a panic you start to raise your voice and fight off the man but he is ridiculously strong.

"Hey! Get off of me!" You scream as he pins your arms above your head and now in this situation you wished that you didn't wear that off the shoulders top.

"What are you doing!" you scream again as the man looks down at you with hungry eyes,

"What am I doing? Well I'm going to take you" he speaks leaning down to your throat as he breathes in the sweet scent of your perfume.

Just as he tries to make a move a voice can be heard, "Namjoon what are you doing?"

"Crap it's Jin" the guy known as Joon whispers as he leans off you lightly, looking towards another handsome man, as you learn this is Jin.

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