5 | Toxic touch |

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Warnings: Swearing, sexual body touching and drug use (lightly) 

A/n: Hey so sorry its been a while I have posted, but I am happy that you guys like the story and I hope to update more. Now on to the story!.and this is unedited...



'You was gifted to us as a sacrifice'

Jimin's words rang through your head as you were still trying to piece together at the fact that your own father sent you to them as a sacrifice but a sacrifice for what? Too deep in thought you didn't hear someone calling for you.


"That can't be true" you speak, turning you see Jungkook staring at you with his big doe eyes, that where far from innocent.

"What can't be true?" he answers.

"Was I a sacrifice for your family? Some sort of toy to enjoy?" you sadly speak. As Jungkook looks at you expressionless.

"I don't like to be kept waiting come with me" he avoids the question as he starts walking away.

You walk with him, it seems like entity until you reach a gated area, walking into it you notice that it is a graveyard, "Jungkook..why are we in a graveyard?" you question looking around at the sketchy area and also being here at night.

"I like them, they are interesting and peaceful" he smiles as you give him a shocked look when he just smiled "my mother's grave is here"

"Oh..your mother passes away? I'm sorry" you reply taking a step forward to the large gravestone.

"I killed her" he mumbled making you freeze, "childbirth killed her, you can place the flowers down" he spoke solemnly.

You placed the roses down, turning back to Jungkook. "Well I guess we should go now?"

"Your so self centered aren't you?"
"Huh?" you reply as you can see the anger building in Jungkook's eyes, as he whips around, facing you as you take a step back.

You lose your footing and fall back making Jungkook laugh mercily.

"What a pathetic girl! Look at you crying at any inconvenience, it's humorous really" he smirks as his eyes soften. "But you are sweet...and that's enough for me" Jungkook speaks as he then straddles your waist.

"Jungkook! Stop" you panic as his eyes flash red before he leans down, fangs baring at his lips. He stops before speaking.

"Wait aren't mortal women more happy if they get a kiss before pleasure?"

"What are you-" you try to speak but by this moment jungkook already has his lips on yours, it was slow and sweet as his lips moved against your timid ones. You wanted to kiss back but was afraid too.

Contemplating if you should or not Jungkook already moved on to biting your neck making you gasp, arching up into his touch as he smirked before biting down again in a different spot on your neck. You whimper at the feeling it gave you, a shock of electricity. Jungkook comes up to look at your slightly blissed out face as he smiles.

"Oh look at you, putty under my touch" Jungkook speaks as he runs a hand through your hair, before pulling down your top to reveal your collar bones as he dived back in again kissing and biting you.

"Jungkook..s-stop" you whimper out as he smirks and licks down to your chest making your breath hitch. Holding onto you tighter as you let out a strangled moan. As he continued to feed off of you.


Walking home dazed, you felt drained. The fact that Jk drank a lot from you made you feel fuzzy and light headed. But you didn't notice the two people watching you as you wonder back into the house.

Hoseok was the one watching you as you aimlessly walked the gardens of the house.

"What are you doing out here?" a voice spoke as Hoseok looked to his left to see a white haired body. Hoseok smirks.

"Yoongi...what a surprise you woke up" Hoseok said jokingly as Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Fuck off anyway what are you doing out here?" he bit back as Hoseok was having fun with this.

"I'm keeping an eye on our little toy here" he gestured to your body as you still walked like a zombie around the garden, dreading to go back inside.

"hmm..I haven't bothered, it's overrated anyway. Why would I want to share? My food with you guys" Yoongi grumbled. As Hoseok giggled lightly.

"Oh brother...we are just getting started and anyway Jin, you and myself haven't even had a taste yet" he tased as Yoongi glanced your way, meekly biting his bottom lip.

"I know you want to...and anyway she's our walking blood bank, we treat her nice she will crumble into our hands" Hoseok smirked, his tongue coming out and quickly wetting his lips as his gaze was now trained on you.

"How long do you think before, Jin caves in?" Yoongi spoke as he gave a small smirk to Hoseok who gave a sideways glance at his brother.

"Not long..anyway it's a full one tonight" he spoke before they both disappeared from their spot.


You walked back into the house as you now needed sleep, like really needed it. Upon walking past an open door. Curiosity got the better of you as you hesitantly walked into the room, looking around everything was neat and clean, you see Jin asleep on the chair at an uncomfortable angle.

You didn't want him to get a bad neck to you lightly touched him on the shoulder.

"What are you doing in my room?" Jin spoke as jumped back.

"I'm sorry I-"

"I woke up by the smell of your blood" he cooed as you look at him in shock.

'Again I am sorry.." you speak as he hums in approval.

"Don't worry anyway what can I do for you" he asks.

"I was just passing by and saw you-"

"None of that, let's make some tea" Jin interrupted you.

You now where sitting at a table awkwardly as Jin was quiet.

"You have interesting items in your room" you break the silence as Jin glances up from his cup.

"Yes they were gifts, I like to read things" he bluntly asks as he looks you up and down, you can see that spark in his eye, which made you feel slightly warm inside. In your flustered state you take a sip from your tea, as the warm liquid ran down your throat, your body felt numb. You immediately dropped the cup as it smashed to the floor.

"Look at you" Jin purred as he gripped your face, as you stare up into his eyes. He used his thumb to open your mouth as he dropped some clear liquid into your mouth. You fell to the floor cutting yourself on the broken glass.

"Oh no you cut yourself, the sweet aroma invites me" Jin spoke as he took your hand and kissed it before giving a bite.

"Jin- I-"

"Enough! I want you, and i'm gonna get it" Jin spoke as he lifted your body from the floor and pushed you against the wall. Making you gasp.

"Jin think about this!" you squeak as he places a finger on your lips,

"You mortals are nothing but a container of blood, here to pleasure us" he leans in kissing your neck softly. "You give me pleasure and I will give it back to you"

He then went in for the kill, the sting of the bite ran through your body as you pushed him away from him to pin you down, "know your place!" he growls making you freeze.

As he bites you again but instead of gasping in shock, you moan.

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