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I am broken.

I don't know what to tell you. I have been through a lot. I regret somethings and wish things had been different. But the things I have been through made me who I am...

A very strong, independant, quiet, closed off 14 year old girl.

I go to school. That's about it. Your probably expecting some speech about how school is so let me just sum it up. I go sit in classes and try to speak as little as possible. Nothing exciting ever happens and I never expect it to. That's out of school too.

Nothing exciting has happened in my life in about 2 years. You may think poor me. But please don't. No one else does...


I wake up and put on my casual jeans and a white tank top with a flannel cover up. This is my average school clothes I wear to school everyday. I really hate school. Nothing ever happens at school. Nothing ever happens for me... unless it's bad. I get out of my head and walk downstairs and out the door just trying to get to school quickly without any interaction w anyone.

I walk in school and go to my first hour class like usual. The teacher then breakes the silence. "Class we have a new student his name is Noah" I then notice there is a boy standing next to my teacher. "Everyone please say hi to Noah and treat him politely" everyone says hi to him except me because why would i care. I just want school over so I can go home.

Noah is still standing in the front of the class and then the teacher says "Noah why don't you go sit by y/n , y/n would you please raise your hand so he knows who you are" "fuck" I say under my breath as I put my hand up still not caring abt this new student.

He comes over and sits by me and i start paying attention as my teacher starts going over the lesson. I can tell that Noah is staring at me. Except I'm not just a shy little girl that will get uncomfortable and blush and look away like nothing is happening. No instead I turn my head right around and stare at him right back. "Got a problem w my face" I say as I'm still staring at him "no, no it's perfect... I mean perfectly fine, nothing wrong with it" he says blushing and turning away. "Wow he's weird" I say under my breath as I just pay attention to the lesson and forget this creepy weird kid.

I go on through the day and I steered clear of that weird kid until lunch.

I went like always and went to a table all to myself in the back but then guess what just as I sit down here comes the one and only Noah.

"What the fuck do you want stalker" I say to him as he sits and looks at me.

It seems like he has a little more confidence now because then he says "you are lonely and you need a friend just admit it. I know your trying to play this tough girl act but it's not going to work with me. I know something is up with you and I'm going to figure it out."

"yeah well go stick your little nosy nose somewhere else because 1 your wrong im not hiding anything and 2 I enjoy being by myself so just leave." I say now getting aggervated.

Why does he think I'm hiding something. I know I am but no one ever says that or thinks it. Why does he think he's cool enough to come in here and tell me what I'm thinking. He needs to back the- my thoughts got interrupted by him "your not getting away that easily. I know your hiding something and you will eventually tell me but I probably need to earn your trust first. Am I right?" I just sit there shocked.

"No no your not right. And why would i want to be your friend your too nosy."

"Ok let's start again, hi my name is Noah Schnapp" he says as he reaches out to shake my hand.

I reluctantly shake his hand and say "my name is y/n"

He smiles. "Well y/n can we meet after school. I would like to learn more about you. And not just your secret." he says with a smirk. "yeah sure whatever I have nothing better to do."


I walk out and see Noah outside sitting on a bench waiting for me.

As soon as he sees me he gets up with a smile.

"Hey y/n" he says as I walk over near him. "Hi noah" I say still questioning him.

"So what do you want to do" I say

"Lets just talk for a minute" he says as he motions for us to sit down on the bench he was just sitting on.

"So what time do you have to be back at your house" he asks as we sit down.

"whenever i want" i say with a smile

"how do you parents allow that" he asks with a surprised face.

"See there are a lot of things you don't know about me..."

I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. (If I even get readers lmao) I left this a cliffhanger but I am writing another story rn so don't worry.

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