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I have to find her this is all my fault. She has been missing since yesterday and I don't know what I am going to do. I just wanted her for my girlfriend. I was so selfish and now she is gone. I have to find her I just have to.

Noah then opens his groupchat of ST cast.

Noah: guys we have a serious problem please can you all fly to my house ASAP

Gaten: woah man what's wrong

Noah: just get here as soon as possible ok I will explain later

Millie: ok we are all going to fly out tonight

Sadie: ^

Caleb: ^

Gaten: ^

Read by Finn

Millie: Why isn't Finn saying anything is he a part of this?

Noah: just get here ok



I never told Noah all of my story. He doesn't actually know my history and what actually happened. How my parents actually died...


"Come on y/n it's time to go to Greece" my mom said as she was waking me up. Today I am going to Greece for my dad's work. I have never been to Greece so I am really excited.

"Ok mom" I say as I get ready. I walked down the stairs and they were ready too.

We got in a taxi and headed to the airport. "I'm so excited" I say ready to board the plane. My mom, dad, and I then board the plane.

The ride was kind of quiet but the whole time I was just imagining what Greece would be like.

Will people like me? Will I look totally different from them? Will they talk different? Are there big colorful buildings? Are there lots of libraries there?

We finally landed and we got off the plane. We walked into our hotel and I was just amazed. "Omg there is no way this is for us. This is so big and beautiful!" I say in amazement.

"Oh it's ours all right now go run up and find your room" my dad says with a smile.

I run up the long beautiful stair case into my room. It is my dream room. There is a queen sized bed with a walk in closet and a window that looks out over the city. I am just loving being in Greece. "This will be the best trip ever" I say to myself.

I run downstairs to my parents and find that my dad is on the phone. "Are you sure. I thought that wasn't until tomorrow. What do you mean they're back. Oh no this is not good I will head down there right now!" My dad says into the phone with a worried yet stern voice.

"Dad what's happening" I say in confusion. I dont actually know what my dad does for work I just know it makes him travel some. This time is actually out of the country most of them are just to a different state. This must be important but what is it.

"Y/m/n (Your mom's name) we have to go right now" my dad says dodging my question. "Y/n I need you to stay here the cabinets are packed with food. You can eat whatever. We might not be back for awhile ok" my dad says as he starts getting his things ready to go.

"I guess dad" I say disappointed. We just got here and they're already leaving.

They both then walk out the door without saying anything.

It's now just me in the big hotel room all alone. I decide to turn on the tv. I see spongebob is on. I turn it on for a while but then he just gets on my nerves.

I turn off the tv. I decide to order pizza. I know my dad said there was food in the cabinets but pizza is much better than whatever is in there.

"Can I get a small pepperoni pizza to (hotel room #)" I say on the phone then hang up. I sit and wait for the pizza. I dont have to worry about the money bc the pizza is ran by the hotel and they just charge it off of my parents card.

I hear a knock at the door. I open and see a boy about my age standing there with a pizza. "Um thank you" I say as I grab for the box. I then turn and go back inside and shut the door.

He was about my age that's weird why is he working if he is so young. Oh well I don't care. Wait I don't have any cheese.

I open the door and see the boy walking down the hallway. I run up to him. "I dont have any cheese" I say catching my breath.

"You won't be needing cheese" he says with a voice I will never forget as he then grabs me and tries to drag me down the hall. "LET GO YOU MOTHER FUCKER" I yell but his grip is so tight.

He put a rag over my mouth so I couldn't scream. I keep struggling and trying to get away. "stop trying to get away or I will make you stop" he says with the same stern voice. 

Ofc I'm not fuxkinf stopping he is trying to kidnap me! I try to release from his grip one more time. "I didn't want to do this but you left me no choice" he says as he puts a rag over my face and I pass out.

I wake up and I am in the back of a van. Tied to a chair. Then I see that that same boy is sitting right by me staring at me. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT" I scream in terror.

"I guess I havent introduced myself, my name is Jack Dylan Grazer but you can just call me Jack Grazer" he says with a slick smile.

I was going to finish the flashback in one chapter but it is too long sorry. I will try to write the other one tonight. Kk byeee;)

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