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"But I want to get to know these things" he says very confused

"Why, why me? why do you want to know everything about me? I am a nobody everybody pushes around and pretends I have no feelings. Why the fuck would you want to know about me? Just leave Noah you deserve to spend your time talking to someone less broken" I say trying to hold back any emotion.

"Y/n, I chose you because your not an open book. You have an interesting story to tell. I really want to know your story. I'm pretty sure by the way you act it is bad. And I have a feeling you would feel better if you shared it with someone so please just help me understand. I will help you and there will be no judging I promise" noah whisper yells as a tear rolls down his cheek.

I can tell this is effecting him and he is feeling emotion so I decide maybe I can tell him a little and if he handles it well I can tell him more later. "ok" I say looking down

"Ok what. like ok your going to tell me?" he speaks with hope in his voice.

"I will tell you a little just the basics. I dont want to ruin your innocent heart. I have a hard story and I'm not telling you all of it now" "ok" he says as he is waiting for me to start

"I have always been bullied at school and I think you can probably tell. These people always told me I'm not pretty, I'm not smart, I'm too fat. All of these things got inside my head and I started telling myself their right" "oh y/n-" noah starts and then I stop him "I'm telling this story no interruptions ok" he just nods then I continue "I was always depressed and felt horrible about myself. But I always had my parents. They always tried to help telling me that everything would be ok. But... one day they never came back from a trip my dad took for work." "I now live in the house by myself. I should be adopted but i would rather be by myself so I just take care of myself and lay low hoping that I won't get caught" I then think " I swear to god noah if you tell anyone I told you this-" "I won't I promise" he said through tears "I feel so bad about this how have you been treated so badly. You don't deserve all of that. And you have to live by yourself. Omg y/n I'm so sorry" he says while sobbing " "stop noah" "what" "I don't want people to feel sorry for me. I'm not worth it. Just please leave me alone. I told you about me and that's all you wanted now just leave me alone." I say as I start to walk away.

He then grabs my hand to stop me. "Y/n I wanted to know but not so I could just leave with that information I wanted to know so that I can get closer to you and gain a friendship. pls y/n be my friend"

"I will have to think" i say as I rip my hand from his and walk off

"What where are you going to think back to your house. The house you live in all alone so you can just take care of yourself" he says very loudly

"What the fuck Noah" I say as I drag him into my house

"You can not just yell those things Noah I could get caught." I say in anger.

"I'm sorry it's just you can't keep running away and just going off to be by yourself. I will be with you. There will no longer just be y/n it will be y/n and Noah so get used to it." He then says with a strict look on his face.

"Your parents won't agree with that"

"I will just tell them your in a bad situation I'm sure they will understand please just come stay at my house tonight"

"I guess but don't be trying to make this weird" I say as I start walking out of my house.

"You don't know where I live, where do you think your walking to?" "Well I guess you should get up here and guide me grandma" I say turning and laughing at him.

"Alright if you think I'm grandma then let's race" Noah said excited "ok where to" "my house" Noah says and starts running.

"I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS PLUS YOU GOT A HEAD START" I yell trying to catch up "SUCKS TO BE YOU" Noah says still running and he starts laughing.

"I WILL GET YOU NOAH" I yell as I almost get up to him. "ok were here" he says and does an abrupt stop.

"Woah are you rich or something" I say in awe of his house

"Something like that..." Noah says

I can tell he is hiding something from me... what is it... is he actually famous?

"Lets go in" he says and we both start walking in the door. I dont see his mom so I just follow him upstairs into a room I'm assuming is his.

"Why is everything so fucking fancy" I say in total confusion "I mean you just moved shouldn't you be broke" "well, I have something to tell you y/n...


Broken // Noah Schnapp X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now