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Thomas woke up before the alarm vent off the next morning. The sky was a mix of orange and pink, it was a beautiful morning.
Teresa was sleeping next to him. Thomas tried his best to not wake her up when he got out of the bed, and into the bathroom.

The bathroom had a little window, so
the morning light made the room glow. He looked in the mirror, staring into his own eyes. They were glowing too.

It didn't take long before the magic moment were over, and the pink/orange light were replaced with a bright yellow. He got into the shower, washing of yesterday. When he looked in the mirror afterwards it was like he looked at a new person. The Thomas that stared back was confident and determined. He smiled at the sight at himself.

He wasn't ugly, he could admit that. Brown hair, brown eyes and a sun kissed face.

When he had got his clothes back on and was about to brush his teeth he heard the alarm in the bedroom. He heard Teresa stopping it and sighed.

He hurried up and went to the kitchen and started making coffee. He heard Teresa behind him, and turned around.

"Have you been up long?" Teresa asked while looking at the coffee that streamed into a cup. "Yeah for a bit, I woke up before the alarm," he said. "I'm done at the bathroom so it is all yours," he than said looking at his tiered girlfriend. She yawned and nodded before turning around and disappearing into the bathroom.

She was done some minutes later. Teresa had never used long time in the bathroom. "Tom, can you drive me to work?" She said and grabbed her cup of coffee. "What's wrong with the bus?"
He asked. "Nothing really, but I thought that maybe you could drive me since you already is awake," Teresa jumped up at one of the countertops and looked at Thomas with big eyes. Thomas didn't start working before a hour after Teresa, usually he would still be asleep now. Thomas smiled at her. He could drive Teresa to the hospital and park the car there. He could just go around in the city for one hour before walking to the office he worked in. "You know? I can drive you," he said. "Ahh, thank you so much Tom," she said. "But we have to go now if I'm not gonna be late," she started walking to the door. Thomas followed her all the way to the car.

It's a thirty minute drive to the city and to the hospital. Teresa put on some music and nodded to the beat of the song. Thomas had his eyes on the road. Non of them said anything. Neither of them knew what to say.

Thomas found an empty spot and parked the car. They both got out. Teresa gave Thomas a kiss and said thank you, then she started running to the entrance that only were few meters away. Thomas got his stuff. A backpack and a thermos with coffee. He locked the car when he heard a familiar voice.

"Hi Tommy!" It was Newt. He sat in his wheelchair in the shadow of a tree in a little playground right outside of the hospital. Thomas smiled at the sight of the boy. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants that covered the plaster and a blue hoodie with lighter blue details on the hood and on the pocket. Newt also had a book in his lap and a pair
Of headphones on top of it.

Thomas walked closer to him. "How are you doing?" Thomas asked. "Fine," Newt said. "I got the nurse to read the note for me," Thomas swallowed, he never thought that he would see Newt again. "Thank you," the Blonde said and smiled. "No problem, Newtie," Thomas answered. Newt shook his head, still smiling though.

Thomas put down his backpack and sat down at a bench that was right across Newt. He took a sip at his coffee, it was hot so he was about to spit it out, but remembered that he wasn't alone. He closed his eyes and swallowed the burning hot liquid in his mouth. Newt started laughing at the sight of Thomas.

Thomas said wiping his face with the sleeve of his sweater. He looked at Newt. Their eyes met and they both became quiet. Thomas felt his heart beat faster, suddenly so insecure, and unable to act normal. He looked away. "So Tommy,"
Newt stared. "When are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?" Newt asked. Thomas looked down at his feet. "You have probably already met her. Her name is Teresa, she works here," Thomas said nodding towards the white building.

"Never met her," Newt said. Looking at the entrance. "Okay," Thomas said trying once agin to drink the coffee, it was much better now. "Are you guys serious?" Newt asked. "Yeah, we have been together for a few years," Thomas said. He was feeling his cheeks getting red. He looked down hoping Newt wouldn't notice. "Wow, that's...good," Newt said.

"What about you?" Thomas asked. "Are you seeing anyone?" Newt shook his head. "Not at the moment. I had a girlfriend, but we broke up when I found out that I was gay." Thomas nodded. He felt butterflies in his stomach. He had never even thought about the whole 'am I gay' thing. Everything just clicked whit Teresa.

Not that Thomas would know, Teresa is his first real girlfriend, so he doesn't have much experience with other girls.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Thomas said. "It was for the best i guess," Newt started. "We are good friends," he continued. "That's nice...isn't it?" Thomas asked. Newt shook his head. "It's kind of weird actually." Thomas could imagine that.

The time had ran by so fast. The boys had talked about everything and nothing. Thomas hated to go but he knew he had to.

"Newtie, I gotta go." Thomas put the empty thermos in the backpack and stood up. "It was nice to see you again," Newt said, looking up at Thomas. "It was nice to see you too," Thomas said.
As he walked away he constantly turned around. Their eyes met every time. Newt couldn't to anything else than smile.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I feel like I'm getting better and better at this, a new chapter will come soon.

- Elida

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