Chapter 2

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Ahhh!!! The sweet smell of freedom. Now that I am away from home for the next 8 hrs of school I can at least enjoy it while it last. So I enter into the gates of a very big building which was made of marble and fine stones that I have never seen before and I was pretty sure I was amazed by it. So I got into the schools building and went straight to the admin where I saw many students in the same position like me waiting for admission to enter the school but has for me I had no problems cause my folks got my back. After a waiting I final got in to the office . there they gave me my uniform which the shirt was made fro polyester and the skirt which was made of wool and the blazers which was made of the same fabric has the skirt which was nice and it suit me when I got to try it on. Then I got out of the and out of the office into the class I have today . So after I get to introduce myself in the class when the teacher asked me too. OK class this a new student and her name is Victoria so Victoria could greet the class . OK I replied my name is Victoria and I am a vampire. So after my introduction the teacher told me her name and told me to take a sit next to a girl which nice enough for her to let me stay.

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