Chapter 7

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I woke this morning thinking of what happened yesterday because I was beyond shocked and depressed of what I ha e just done. (Sighs). After I got up from my bed and head for the wash room and did routine and got out to dress for school. I didn't even eat breakfast for I was so lost in my own thoughts and occupied. Ugh!!! I wished I never been kissed him or let alone allowed him too, I'm sure an idiot for doing so. So kept all that aside as I was ready to face the rhythm of the music in school.
     Vick Vick Vick hello!! Earth to Victoria, are you even listening, Sophia said snapping her fingers at my face. Huh? Oh sorry my bad, you where saying. I said thoughtfully. Um OK Vick what's wrong with you, you look rather pale OE are you hungry, she asked feeling concerned. Uh! No Sophia I'm OK just a little uneasy that's all, I shrugged. Hmmm I see so you won't mind i f I told Collins was asking after you, she said while smirking. Wait ? What!?. When did that happened, I asked surprised. Well not long, he just happened to stop and saw then asked you where feeling okay and I answered well, I don't know if you are well, then he said OK I will cone back later. Oh lord Sophia I said hitting my head on the table in front of me. What! What did you expect me to huh?, look Vick has much I see you as a friend I don't think me being dragged into your issues are my problem. She while packing are books from the table. Ugh!!!!!! Why does it have to be me.... And where are you going. I trailed off. Well has you can see I'm going to  class, they have rung the bell, and by the way some guy was asking of you, she walking away. Wait What?!. I said standing up and catching up to her to hear what she just spat out.

              Okay class who can tell me difference between biology and microbiology. Ms Robert asked and the whole class fell silent. Oh wow, why is everyone  being all winter in the class what's wrong with you guys, she asked feeling concerned. Well ma'am someone trailed off, most of us did have beauty sleep and also maybe busy with other things than school, Lizzy said putting are head are desk. Oh wow I didn't know that you guys had a bad night, OK look guys there is nothing I can, but the least you all can do is to sleep on time and study because this your final year you guys ain't gonna fail my class you got that, Ms Robert replied. Yes ma'am the class responded.
            Soon it was lunch time and I sat by the table alone, well that's what I thought when a guy in a leather jacket stood in front of me with his emerald green eye starring at me. Uh OK what do want and come to my table, I replied nonchalantly. Wow easy girl I just wanted to know if that spot  was taken he replied smirking. Well has you can see I am, but I don't want any company, even my best friend isn't here to disturb me so why don't you just get going, I glared. Oh wow you are crazy one aren't ya, well anyways I'm Lucas,and you are. He asked. Well I'm Victoria and I'm trying to eat my lunch, so leave me be. I glared. Well hmm OK but at least  let me sit here, I don't have a particular place, he said while sitting down next to me. Humph!! Fine you can sit but not near , I pushed him to the other side.  So Victoria how are you,he said thoughtfully. Um I'm cool and why ask we ain't friends, I said. Well we can, he winked. Nuh huh we can't I already have enough boy problems, I sighed. Wow OK anyways it was nice meeting you, he said standing up. Wait you are going, I asked. Well yeah you want me to stay, he smirked. Ugh!!! No but at lea...... Um sorry I'm missing something, Collins cut in. Ugh no aren't, I was just about to tell Lucas to stay with me since I was alone, I said dragging him down. Oh why didn't you tell , I would have stayed with you, he said folding his arms. Oh I have to think of something before this goes wrong. Just then the bell rang. Oh wow look at the time bye, I ran off, leaving Lucas and Collins alone.
         Unknown POV;
Master word as being spread out that Elijah and his family have come back to  the country  , the guard said. Hmm no matter soon I will have my revenge on does vampires and and kill his precious princess Victoria, now you may leave. Thank you your Majesty. Then he left. Father !!, Collins said coming in to the chambers. What is it son, he said with a plain expression. Well I have been meaning to ask you if its possible for  werewolf to have mate, Collins asked. Well yes, you has long its a werewolf then your okay, he explained. Oh well what if its vampire, Collins asked. WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, OR YOU ARE JOKING ,DID YOU JUST SAY VAMPIRE, he yelled. Well yes father, I think the the moon goddess has paired me with a vampire, he replied. Hmm that is surprising and who might that be, he asked. Well I don't know, Collins said sheepishly. Well! If you don't know then get out if my sight and not another word from you about that you, okay. He scolded. Yes sir then he walk away. Sigh, why does this foolish boy brings problems to me, does he want to get me killed or disturbed, why won't he just stay one place and behave like a  king to be instead of going to that wretched school that he is going to. Sighs, no matter that's how his mother is.
          Lucas POV:
God I cane vet that girl out my mind, the way she speaks and smile, its amazes me. Wow I have never seen sure beautiful girl before. Over all the girls I have cone across not one is has fascinating has her and beautiful as her. How I wish I could have her, sighs, I just I have to keep trying, until I have her, even if its by force.
    Victoria POV:
Soon its was evening, and I sat at the side of the window looking at the sun setting in the sky as the moon rises. Wow the sky is beautiful, sighs. Why can't I have a normal life and do what normal people do. Oh Honey, why said pulling me out of my thought. Good God mom you scared me, I said. What! Oh sorry hun I didn't mean to frighten you dear, I was just passing by and I saw you starring outside, is anything the matter hun. Um no mom just gazing. I shrugged. Oh wow that's a hash way to send your mother of the room. She said thoughtfully. I'm sorry mom I didn't mean it, I'm just confused, I said. Oh, so what seems to be the problem?, she asked. Well mom school is just frustrating and annoying  are times, there is this boy in school and he is all over the place, been around me ,I said. Oh so what did he do that's seems to make you confused, she asked again. Feeling obnoxious, I turned my head to the window and frowned, well he is a werewolf. What my dad said entering into my room has mom gasped. Please tell its a joke that your are befriending such abomination. My dad flared. Well I won't put it like that dad, its jus.... Sigh, I think he is my mate dad. WHAT!? my mom shouted. Yes mom and I know its bad for me because what I'm thinking can not happen because we are of two different species. I chipped in. Oh dear, we understand, but you have to stay away because we don't want that boy to ruin you and your dad reputation in this palace okay. My mom sighed. Okay Mom, I replied. So now that you have told us what's his name, why dad asked. Ugh?? Collins,I shrugged. WHAT!!!!. my dad shouted. What!? Is there something wrong, I asked. Well yes dear everything is wrong, he answered. Well what's wrong, I asked again. Well for starter's that son of a bitch is the prince of the werewolf and the next in line to their throne and his dad is a ruthless man with no sympathy, he explained. What!!! How that possible, he didn't even tell me, gosh I fill so stupid, I said. Well hon don't fell that way, it will only make things worse for you and him, its best you stay away from him, okay!, my mom sighed. Okay guys thanks ,but I think I need some rest so that, I won't sleep tomorrow in class again. I suggested. Wait you where sleeping in class ? How did that happened? My mom asked. Well its a long story for another day, now you guys need to leave now, so that it won't happen again. I said. Well okay good night dear my dad said. Yeah good night dear my mom kissed my head.
    Afterwards I got in the showers and head straight into my pyjamas and tied my hair in a messy bun and went to sleep.

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