Chapter 6

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He called after me and I didn't answer. So he ran after me but I beat him to it. After I went to Sophia's house and made a knock on the door. Knock! Knock! . who is it her mom replied. Um Mrs Dante its me Victoria  Sophia's friend. Oh okay I'm coming her mom replied. Right there she opens the door and I greeted her. Good day Mrs Dante. Oh dear how are you Sophia is up stairs in her room by the left she directed. Okay thanks. So with that I went up stairs to her room where she had directed me. So I'd knock. Um come in she replied. Hey S how you I said. Um I'm fine she replied skeptically. Okay so hear is the thing I'm in a lot of trouble I said. Okay? What's up she said confused. Well um the thing is Collins. Yeah what happened to him she said confused. Well we kissed.. I mean he kissed me first and I sought of kissed him back I said funnily. You what?! Is this some kind of joke Vick or you don't just have any gist for me. She confused. Well I'm not joking S. Okay I get it but I thought it was no more than a mere crush I didn't know it was this intense she said while laughing. Hey Sophia its funny you know, its complicating. I said sadly. Ugh! Okay I'll stop, but just so you know you have to stay away because you don't want to start a war that you can't separate and can't stop just because you have crush on a werewolf. She said while shrugging. Oomph oh well but I can't go to school and can't even face him because of what I did. I said worriedly. Okay V but you do know you can pretend to be sick she said. Hmm that could work but vampires can't fall sick S. I replied while sitting on the floor. Okay what ever you say V.  ••••••••••••••

Collins POV:
           Fuck damn why did I just do that. I said while throwing everything I see without hesitation. Why did I let that happened of all the the girls in the world it has to be her why her. Gosh she is a vampire and she is my mate. This is happening, why the the goddess allow a vampire to be my mate. Gosh maybe she is just punishing me because I didn't wait for her. Because I was sleeping around with other girls. Mehn I fell stupid for all those years. I was about to take a shower before I heard a knock on my door. Come in I said. What's up baby bro. Oh hey sis. My sister is a very trusted person I love her and trust her because she keeps secret very well for me. Oh hey big sis I said sadly. Awn what's wrong with my lil bro she said smirking. Oh nothing sis. Oh that can't be nothing you look pale like as if you've been crying or throwing tantrums. She said while coming to take a sit on my bed. Well sis its something that you may or may not be disappointed in I said sheepishly. Hmm is it about a girl or Stephanie she said while rolling her eyes. Well yea and no its about one new girl. Oh honey that's so cute! At least its not some chick that only wants for your body I'm I right she said while laughing. Oh yeah your right only that um it'd a vampire I kissed. Soon every where became silent and tensed. You say what hon I didn't quite get. Sorry you TUCKING WHAT!!!!!. she said shouting. Ugh I'm sorry sis while going on my kneels. Holding my head and crying. Oh sweety I'm sorry I yelled but how on earth did that abomination happened. She said calmly. I'm sorry while sobbing. I didn't know that I did that. But I'm in love with her and she is my mate sis. Awn hon I'm sorry okay don't worry your secret safe with me okay now cone hear. So I did has she told me and hugged her then fell asleep in her arms.

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