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306. Whether you were a good person or a shit person, you will have left the world a better place when you die.
(Excuse my french :))

307. In 2019 we will have 50th anniversaries of Moon Landing, first Heavy Metal album record and creation of UNIX. 3 events that completely changed the World in their own ways happened within the same year

308. Some kid out there at recess wasn't lying when he saìd his dad worked for Nintendo

309. The number 0 is so mind blowing. There is an infinite amount of numbers, but 0 is still exactly in the middle of all of them.

310.Cute nicknames like "Trash Panda" and "Danger Noodle" would probably be considered slurs in Zootopia.

So I was thinking, rather than writing 5 shower thoughts that have nothing to do with each other, what if I post each chapter with a specific theme??

(Eg:  school, politics, certain countries,       songs etc)

You can also tell me what you wanna read in the comments :)

Vote for free pizza 😂

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