Chapter 5

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You guys were silent for a few moments before Hoseok spoke up. "Uhm would you like to go out sometime?" You were a little shocked at how quickly he asked you out, but you didn't mind. "Yeah I would love to" you replied. "Well since we are at a coffee shop, would you like to have a cup of coffee right now?" He questioned. You happily agreed, but before you sat down you got another text from Sohee asking where you were. "Hoseok-ah do you think I could call my bestfriend for a moment, to let her know that I'm not going to be at school?" You asked. He smiled and said "of course." You walked into the bathroom, where luckily, you were alone. You tapped on Sohees contact and called her. "Y/N?" She question. "Yeah hey Sohee you will never believe what happened." You then proceed to tell her all the recent events that just happened. "Oh my god no way. Y/N I better not see you at school today. Go get your man!" She exclaimed. "Okay okay I will! Love you!" "Love you too!". You then walked back to Hoseok and yours table where he was sitting reading a book. You sat down and immediately his eye went to you. "So, did it go well?" He questioned. "Of course" you assured him. You both went to order you coffees and sat down and talked about yourselves, asked question and found out a lot about the other person. It seemed like you guys could talk forever. After it had been and hour, you both decided you should leave. Also, seeing as both of your coffees had been gone for a while now. You both just walked on the side walk and kept talking. You found out the Hoseok also went to The University of Seoul and was a dance major. You wondered why you never saw him seeing as you were also a dance major, but then found out that he was 2 years ahead of you. You found out that he lives in an apartment and has a dog named Mickey. You both decided to go to the bakery near the park, where you could get churros and then sit near the lake. You both went to the bakery and you both found it very pretty. The walls were painted a baby blue and the floor was a nice dark wood. You both ordered your churros and you could have swore that you saw the cashier whisper something to Hoseok, but you brushed it off.
                  Hoseok's P.O.V
As we were walking out of the bakery, the woman made an effort to whisper something in my ear. "You two are a very cute couple." She said. Hoseok blushed but didn't deny it. He thanked her and walked out the door with you. As you were walking to a bench in the park, you both saw a squirrel. Hoseok was infatuated with how your eyes lit up and it made his heart melt. 'Why does she have so much effect on me?' He thought. You both made your way to the bench and sad down. You were both quiet for a little while. It was a nice kind of quiet, not awkward. Hoseok was deep in his thoughts. 'She's so pretty and smart. She's also a dance major so she likes music too. Should I hold her hand? Would she mind' his thoughts raced. He decided he should take the chance. He slowly reached down and intertwined his finger with yours.

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