Chapter 7

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The next day
You woke up at around nine because it was a Saturday and thank god you didn't have college. You picked up your phone to see a text from Hoseok. "I hope you got home safe! I had a lot of fun today". You realized you fell asleep before you could reply last night. So you replied, thanking him and apologizing for not answering sooner because you fell asleep. After that you went into the kitchen to get some coffee. As you were filling up your cup, you heard a loud knock on the door. "Coming!" You shouted as you walked to the door. Before you could fully open the door, it was pushed open, making you fall down. You laid there confused for a second before your eyes laid upon the one and only Sohee. "What the hell? You asked groggily, still not grasping all that just happened. "Sor- er nah I'm not sorry. I need to know what happened last night. Spill the tea sis." she told you. You got up and walked to the couch, and started explain what happened to her. By the end she was practically jumping up and down. "When's the next date??" She excitedly asked. You sat for a moment and realized you guys didn't talk about that. She then realized why you were so silent. "Don't tell me you guys didn't talk about it!" She whined. "Soh, we were so caught up in the moment. You should understand! You have a soulmate too." You remarked. But she seemed unfazed. "You're an idiot." "Hey Im like one month older than you. Respect your elders." "You wish" you guys argued until you realized your coffee was probably cold. "hEY HOW DARE YOU! You distracted me and now my coffee is cold" whined. "Colder than your love life?" She shot back in a playful way. You just rolled you eyes and grabbed her a cup of coffee too, putting them both back in the microwave to heat up. You both argued quite a bit but you both knew that you were platonic soulmates.

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