Act 1 Scene 1: "Cries For Help"

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(Above photo from ABC's Once Upon A Time [season 6 episode 4])


Scene 1

A Victorian era evening society party, ladies and gentlemen in formal attire  socializing and drinking. LADY 1 , dressed in pink, and LADY 2, dressed in blue, observe JANE walking around, mingling comfortably, but occasionally.

LADY 1    
Tell me dear, did you slip some brandy into my cup or is that really Ms. Jane Meredith I see over there by the piano?

I did and that is. And this the six party I've seen her attend all year. A new record.

(sipping her cup eagerly) Mmmh. Come now, she must be about more than that. Ladies of her youth can never stay away from parties.

She's very mature for her age, I daresay a bit too much. She grew up very quickly, what with the death of her mother when she was born. And then her father, only days after her fifteenth birthday. Or was it the sixteenth?

Was her father kind to her in between? You know how these things go when the mother is taken: the father either cherishes the baby as their mother's final gift, or hates them as their mother's death cry. (she sips her cup again)

Thankfully, it was the first. Oh don't burying your nose in the glass so, your face is turning red. Where was I? Oh yes, Mr. Meredith left his entire fortune to her trust after he passed away. His business, his trading ships, all of it, and she barely out of school. Of course, she delegated the responsibilities admirably, he trained her so well. His last gift to her was a European tour after she graduated, and when she returned two years later, the girl had grown up.

Oh I remember the stories she used to tell at the parties then! So many interesting places and adventures on the continent. She was always such a favourite, especially with the men. (nudges LADY 2 and giggles)

Oh yes, she certainly had her ready share of escorts. But not one seemed to have any real luck did they? I heard from Mr. Seward, that she turns away every single suitor that comes to call up at Cherry Hill. Not unkindly― no she is a dear, sweet thing even when she is vexed― but one wonders that she doesn't have more sense to see that her father's name does not die with her.

Well that isn't really something marriage would fix― Hush! She comes. (drains last of cup and stands grinning)

JANE walks over to the ladies. She is a tall young woman with blonde hair and sharp, thoughtful eyes. She smiles and nods to those she passes, many of whom follow her with their eyes.

Ms. Jane, so good to see you! Will you be dazzling us with one of your stories tonight? I would very much like to hear the one about the vagabond and his trained monkey from Vienna again.

Or the one about the circus in Madrid accidentally releasing bulls into the city? Such fun.

(sweetly) I'm afraid it will have to be another time. It's been a lovely night, but I must go and visit a friend before it gets too late. She is ill, and my company would do her good.

What a sweet girl you are! If she's recovered, you must bring this friend along to my party next week. I would love to meet her.

(evasively) I'll be sure to ask her. Now, if you will excuse me.

JANE leaves the party. Everyone she passes looks after her. JANE walks down the stairs and gets into her hansom. DRIVER starts off. They drive a little down the street until they are out of view of the house, then DRIVER stops, and JANE gets out to go and sit next to him.

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