Act 2 Scene 3: "Coming Home"

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Scene 3

Early morning, Cherry Hill grounds. BRUCE and LIL' ED are working with MR. KARTER. JANE comes down towards them.

(to MR. KARTER) Where is Harrison?

They say he's in bed sick.

Is that right? Bruce?

Yes'm. He said something last night about his stomach, and this morning was groaning away. I'll cover his work for him, don't worry.

Thank you Bruce, that's very responsible of you.

BRUCE nods, looking uncomfortable, and the three go back to work while JANE goes inside. They work quietly for a few minutes, BRUCE and LIL' ED looking worried. MR. KARTER finally stops them and rubs his head with a handkerchief.

Well! That's good for now. Wash up for breakfast and we'll start on the hedges after. Half-pint, drop those weeds! The Missy's got enough of yer pickings cluttering up her table. Every cup has been turned into a vase for 'em, and I'm sick and tired of drinking out of bowls.

LIL' ED reluctantly drops his handful of dandelions. He and BRUCE start walking up towards the house. JANE marches down to meet them halfway, looking very stern.

I just went to your room. Either his stomach ache has granted him invisibility, or you were lying to me about Harrison.

(surprised) You went to check on him?

And to bring him the soup Molly spent her valuable time fixing when I told her. Now the cats will have his medicine, and I will have the truth. Why would you lie to me Bruce?

(uncomfortable) I uh, I didn't― didn't think. I didn't think― you'd check. I'm― sorry.

I should hope so. 'Wouldn't check.' Of all the ridiculous, foolish little boys in the county, I find the ones who believe I would let a body suffer in my house without going to see what could be done. My father must be turning over in his grave to think that anyone would have such an low opinion of his daughter.

BRUCE looks ashamed, and LIL' ED close to tears. JANE looks at them angrily and sternly for a moment, then crosses her arms.

Well, where is he?

...Downtown ma'am.

For what purpose?

He was going to find the man who tried to hurt you last night...and teach him a lesson.

JANE is silent for a beat, the boys too ashamed to look up at her. She abruptly walks in between them and down towards the gate. She rings the bell there sharply and repeatedly to call DRIVER. BRUCE and LIL' ED look at each other with surprise, then hurry over.

(without looking at them) You'd best come along the two of you, we have a lot of ground to cover.

Where are we going?

To find Harrison of course, don't be obtuse Bruce. As if I'd allow one of my boys to get hurt simply because I still don't have the sense to carry some sort of...oh I don't know...weapon of some kind to protect myself when I insist on these late night visits. Oh where is my―! There, get in, quick now!

DRIVER comes up charging the hansom, and JANE gets in quickly. BRUCE and LIL' ED look at each other in surprise, then jump in when she waves at them impatiently.

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