Act 2 Scene 2: "To Love is to Feel Fury"

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(Above art by artist Omario Brunelleschi aka "omario2d")


Scene 2

Cherry Hill manor, the sitting room. Inside are far more people than originally invited, socializing while MOLLY and NATHANIEL calmly yet frantically serve finger sandwiches. BRUCE is reciting near the windows, where the sunlight gives him an ethereal appearance. HARRISON is sitting on a couch opposite a collection of men with a chess board in between them. His current opponent makes a move, and HARRISON immediately moves and captures a piece. He leans back.


His opponent leans forward and stares, then grumbles and knocks his king over. HARRISON smiles as the other men laugh and applaud.

That's the six in a row! Be honest with us now boy, you're cheating somehow.

JANE comes up behind HARRISON with LIL' ED still attached to her hand.

I'm afraid you are but an echo of nights past John. Nathaniel taught him just last week, and has already been beaten so often he refuses to play him now.

(boastfully) Well, Ms. Jane, it is the mark of a true man to never give up. Here, watch and you'll see how the sport is meant to be played. (he sits opposite HARRISON, and speaks while HARRISON resets the board) This is a game of speed as much as strategy. If you know your way around, all you must do is confuse your opponent by giving them very little time to think, while you have already planned out your entire strategy. Watch and learn. You first boy.

They play, very quickly, each frowning in concentration. Their audience's heads jerk back and forth to follow their movements, until finally HARRISON leans back.

(proudly) Checkmate.

MAN 2 leans forward and looks as dumbfounded as the previous opponent did, while the men laugh and demand he drop his King. JANE laughs as well and claps.

Admit it boys, there is sequestered in this young man's mind the makings of a genius. He is wasted working for me, but I'm glad he stoops to do so.

HARRISON lifts his head to look back at her with an attentive expression. JANE looks down at him warmly.

Standing by him, catching some of the starlight he gives off with his passion and zeal to prove himself, this boy will do incredible things one day. And I can't wait to see it.

HARRISON stares at her, and in that moment his trust and affection for her are solidified. When she walks away to go and listen to BRUCE, he leans forward, grins, and resets the board for his next challenger, fire in his eyes.

Time jump to JANE and the boys waving off their guests at the door.

Another time jump to later in the afternoon.

I think I'll go visit Angela now, before it gets much darker.

(quickly) We'll go with you.

Yes, we will!

You shouldn't be going downtown so often on your own Miss.

(laughing) Well it seems I am overruled! Come along.

They get into the hansom, and drive downtown. ANGELA's front door is locked.

I'll go around and open it for you. It's impolite to enter a lady's home without invitation. Wait here.

She goes around back, and the boys wait a long time.

...What's taking so long?

Probably Angela needs to get dressed before we can come in.

Pfft, all this 'proper manners' nonsense. Who cares if she's in her robe? Not like it shows anything.

How'd you like some fine lady to come in and see you in your nighty some time?

That's different!

(concerned) Ms. Jane's taking too long! What if something's wrong?

Relax Lil' Ed, we'll go round back and see what's what.

Says the one who just gave a lecture about proper manners with his new fancy voice.

We're not going in dummy, Ms. Jane's probably just having trouble with the lock. We'll come back round after we've helped her.

They walk down the alley and find JANE with a large, burly man, ATTACKER, who towers over her threateningly holding a knife. JANE stands her ground, but there is unmistakable fear in her eyes.

Alright lady, out with the purse, the jewelry, and mebbee (he takes a step towards her) the dress can come too―

Get away from her!

BRUCE, HARRISON, and LIL' ED dash forward simultaneously and pounce on the man, kicking and punching. BRUCE manages to get the knife from ATTACKER's surprised fingers, HARRISON pulls out one he's always carrying, and LIL' ED grabs a stick from the ground. They stand in front of JANE and brandish their weapons.

(dangerously) You stay away from her.

(fiercely) Or we'll knock you in good!

(bravely) No one hurts Ms. Jane!

(growls momentarily, then waves hand) Bah, no use getting rough with a bunch of runts. Tell your ma to watch where she goes around here, or I'll be waitin' for her.

HARRISON yells and tries to run at him, but BRUCE holds him back. ATTACKER walks off laughing.

(bit breathlessly) Boys! You really shouldn't have― I― you could have...Thank you, for protecting me.

LIL' ED drops his stick and runs to embrace her, burying his face in her skirt.

(muffled) You can't get hurt Ms. Jane. You just can't.

(grandly) We'll protect you.

JANE smiles at them, but HARRISON is looking after where ATTACKER went with an angry expression.

Time jump to JANE and the boys coming back up to Cherry Hill. The boys go to their room and change into their night clothes, then get into bed. HARRISON waits until he thinks the other two are asleep, then gets up and begins to dress. BRUCE wakes, and sits up to look at him.

(whispering) Where're you going?

(whispering) To set that idiot straight.

Are you cracked? He'll flatten you!

(tucking his knife in his boot) Not if I catch him first.

What would Ms. Jane say?

I'm protecting her! He was gonna hurt her, now I'm gonna hurt him, simple as that. Don't you get in my way Bruce.

(annoyed) Fine, get pounded for all I care. Whatever.

He rolls over to face away from HARRISON, and HARRISON opens and climbs out the window. He scales the wall down to the ground, and runs across the lawn. He easily climbs over the gate, and runs off down the hill. Fade out.

The Boys of Cherry HillOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz