Act 2 Scene 1: "Sunday Debut"

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(above art by Cyril Rolando aka "Aquasixio")


Scene 1

Daytime at Cherry Hill. MOLLY and MR. KARTER are standing on the steps before the front door, looking out at the boys at work on the grounds.

It's been weeks since construction ended, yet not a word Ms. Jane's breathed about the boys moving out. They don't suggest so themselves either, comfortable lot.

It's so good they've stayed. Really, it's as if they've been half-starved all their lives! Look at how dear little Eddie has filled out! It's my mission to see colour come into Harrison's cheeks too.

Oh colour comes red hot when that boy's vexed, which he is all too often I say. But out of them all he works the hardest, if only to prove he's best. That boy's born from competition.

And dear young Bruce from pride. He always holds his head so high, looking like a little man who knowns he could have the world if he wanted it. He's so careful over dear little Eddie, and Eddie so sweet and polite.

There's difference between polite and spineless. That boy needs to learn to stop worrying over pleasing everyone. Harrison would bully him to death if it wasn't for Bruce. But when those delivery boys came by last week and called Eddie some name, don't you know Harrison was the first to sail in and knock some teeth loose? Bruce had to hold him back, and cut those boys a new pair of trousers with the words he flung at them! Whew! The boy can speak, but they're all certainly partial of each other, that's what.

Practically dear little brothers.

NATHANIEL comes up behind them.

Brothers who seem to be playing more than working, Mr. Karter. They might be more productive if you were overseeing them.

Bah, let them run a bit! Too much work and no play makes a man stiff. Like you, Sir Starched Pants. Ha! (he laughs, MOLLY stifles a giggle) But I'll be back to them if it'll relax that vein in your head.

I'm thinking of Ms. Jane. She's become very attached to these boys.

And where's the harm in that? She's been too alone, she has, reading instead of going out as a lady of her class should.

(proudly) Ms. Jane is far more intelligent than many in her class could ever hope to be.

Brag on her all you want, human was made for human, and she can't do with just us. These boys make her smile, and even if she cries when they go, which I'm starting to think they won't, at least she has the smiles to remember, eh?

MOLLY and NATHANIEL go back inside, and MR. KARTER yells down at the boys, currently playing tag, as he walks down the steps towards them.

Time jump to after dinner.

Tomorrow is Sunday boys, and I'll be going to church. Would you like to come with me?

On Sundays Karter lets us play ball and we don't have to work. Why would we give that up just to go sit in a stuffy church?

(elbows him) What he means is they don't want us there miss. I've heard the men that stand by the doors say so when they thought I couldn't hear 'em.

My father used to say the whispers of fools are heard over the shouts of the sensible. You are most welcome to come. And I would appreciate your company.

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