Act 1 Scene 2: "Promises and Full Bellies"

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Scene 2

Dawn. The boys are walking up the inclined road to Cherry Hill, BRUCE seriously, HARRISON excitedly, and LIL' ED looking trepidatious.

Plan's clear then? No goofing off?

You got it Bruce! We go in, do some of the old lady's work, grab something when she ain't looking, and get out. Look at that place! Bet we'll find enough to buy us a room in town, maybe even some soft ball gloves. Whaddya say to that Lil' Ed?

I dunno fellas...she was awful nice to us.

(angry) Don't you go getting soft on us Ed. I knew we shoulda left you back at the hideout―

Leave him alone Harrison, we need a cool head for this job. Eddie, just stick by me huh? We're only doing what we got to, and by the looks of this place she won't miss whatever we take. Just stick by me.

LIL' ED still looks upset, but they continue to climb in silence until they reach the open gate. MR. KARTER, a bent old man with a scruffy beard stands at it with his arms crossed and a paper in his hands.

(glancing down at paper) You three the boys Ms. Jane found yesterday?

Yes'sir. Here for the jobs.

Well there ain't much to ye. Any experience gardening? No? Well, nor did I when I first started. Couldn't a been much bigger than you. (looks at LIL' ED) But you'll learn fast if you put your minds to it. I know where Ms. Jane's liable to have found ye, but she ain't here and I ain't afraid to box your ears if I see laziness. Understand?


Huh, so you're the leader of em eh? Well Old Mr. Karter is General here, and I'll have you remembering it for your own good. Now, come with me. Step to!

MR. KARTER takes them onto the property and towards a collection of decorative hedges. Leaning against them are tools of various kinds. MR. KARTER dispenses them.

Montage begins of the boys working (cutting, pruning, etc.) into the mid-morning. MR. KARTER is constantly watching and correcting them, much to HARRISON's annoyance. Montage ends when MR. KARTER goes up to the house. The boys take advantage of his absence and rest their arms, sweaty and tired.

(panting) Just great. I'm so tired I can't even think of grabbing and dashing. A lot of good this morning's been.

Just take a little rest. We'll have our chance.

MR. KARTER comes back and the boys jump to attention. LIL' ED's stomach growls, and MR. KARTER smiles gruffly. He looks around.

Fine job, fine. Now, normal house, the help eats in the kitchen. But you'll soon be realizing this ain't a normal house. You're to go up to breakfast inside, I have to see about some flowers. Quick now, and wash up first!

The boys quickly wash their hands and faces in the rain barrel, and walk uncertainly up the steps of the house. Just inside they are met by NATHANIEL the butler, a tall thin man with a sharp chin and doleful eyes.

(looking down at them, emotionlessly) Quite. Follow me.

The boys follow him further into the house, looking around in awe at all the fancy décor. NATHANIEL takes them to the end of the hall and opens up the double doors, revealing an airy sitting room with floor-length windows that let in the bright morning sun. Attached to the room is another, a small nook next to one of the largest windows in which a small table with four chairs is set. NATHANIEL leaves without a word, and the boys wait awkwardly. NATHANIEL returns moments later followed by MOLLY, a plump, cheery woman in her thirties. Both are carrying platters. MOLLY grins at the boys and gestures for them to come over to the table.

Sit! Sit! Mustnt' keep her lady waiting.

The boys hurry over, and NATHANIEL and MOLLY puts the plates in front of them, uncovering them to reveal a hearty breakfast. The boys stare in disbelief. HARRISON is about to dig in, but BRUCE stops him quickly. JANE enters, dressed in an airy blue dress. NATHANIEL helps her into her seat.

(affectionately) Oh Ms. Jane dear, you look just lovely.

Thank you Molly, and Nathaniel. It is so refreshing to start the day with a nice breakfast. And boys! (she looks at them and smiles) So good to see you again. I trust you found your way here easily enough?

Yes'm. Thank you for the jobs.

I should thank you for doing them. Mr. Karter's doctor will at last be satisfied about his refusal to retire. He can be a difficult man sometimes.

MR. KARTER walks in, carrying an armful of flowers.

All the time Missy. Which room did you want these in?

None. Please put them in some water Mr. Karter, I want them fresh for Angela when I go to see her soon.

Yes Missy.

MR. KARTER leaves and JANE notices the boys looking at their food hungrily.

Well, without further ado.

She clasps her hands together and bows her head. The boys look at each other, and NATHANIEL clears his throat and motions for them to do the same. They do.

Thank you LORD, for this food. Bless it to our bodies, and may this day glorify you. Amen.

She and the boys open their eyes, and JANE begins eating, prompting the boys to finally dig in hungrily. They finish with such enthusiasm that MOLLY goes and gets them seconds, clearly pleased they're enjoying her cooking. When they are finished NATHANIEL leads them back outside.

Montage shows that they continue to work, with sandwiches being brought out for lunch. JANE leaves at one point with her flowers, and returns as the sun is setting. She stands with MR. KARTER as he counts out the boys' wages.

You three did good work today. Could have been better, but a first day's a first day. Be back tomorrow will you?

Yes'sir, if we can.

You are quite welcome. If you like, my driver will take you to your homes now. It's a dark road.

(quickly) No thanks, we'll walk.

They begin to walk away.

(calling over his shoulder) See you tomorrow!

HARRISON grabs his wrist and pulls him along, but not before LIL' ED sees JANE waving to him. They walk down the dark hill.

I will of course, reimburse you for anything they broke.

No need Missy, I told the truth. They be good workers, and good boys deep down; 'cept something is on their minds. Always looking over their shoulders sort o' thing, being careful.

Do you think they'll come back?

Aye Missy, there's a spark in their eyes what you don't see but with people who find a good patch to squat in, and don't want to give it up so easy. Young'uns get that spark, its us old cronies that give up on it. They'll be back.

Scene ends with JANE and MR. KARTER walking back to the house in the twilight.

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