Act 2 Scene 4: "Worthy Investments"

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Scene 4

Midday at Cherry Hill. The boys are sitting outside eating their lunches with their work tools around them. JANE comes out of the house and walks towards the gate. BRUCE sees her, alerts the others, and they all run up to her as DRIVER arrives with the hansom.

I'm afraid you can't come with me boys. This meeting is at city hall, and I don't think you'd be entertained with the endless paperwork that comes with adoption.

We just want to give you something, as a thank you for all you've done, and what you're about to do.

He holds out a small burlap purse, which JANE opens and empties into her hand. There are nine coins.

To pay you back for the ones we took from you― back then...

(moved) Yes, it seems like an eternity ago doesn't it? Thank you boys, this is...very noble of you.

LIL' ED hugs her happily, and afterwards she gets into the hansom and drives downtown. She goes to city hall.

Short montage of JANE discussing things with a man in a suit, LAWYER, and signing papers. Montage ends with her standing and shaking LAWYER's hand. She walks away from his desk clutching a small bundle of paperwork, beaming. She is now a mother. She notices another man in a suit, BANKER, who is walking into the building. She goes over to him.

Ms. Meredith! How are you my dear?

Better than ever Mr. Stuller! I've just made a very significant, wonderful change in my life. I'm glad to have caught you actually, I wonder, is it possible for me to start three separate saving accounts with your bank under my account?

(laughs) The Meredith name is regarded with the highest level of trust at my bank, I'd be happy to start the accounts for you this minute. Unfortunately, I do have a meeting with the mayor, if you could wait...?

Hmmm, I am expected elsewhere as well. But the transaction need not be so complicated that we can't arrange it right now. (she takes out the burlap purse and gives the money to BANKER) Three in each account. I'll be in later this week to invest them in some of my own ships.

Capital, capital, shall I make the accounts out to your name, or dividends within Meredith Trading Co.?

Neither. Place each deposit under the names, Bruce, Harrison, and Edward Meredith.

(surprised) Long lost cousins, Ms. Meredith?

(smiling) No, though new additions to the Meredith family all the same. I'll be sure to explain during our meeting. One o'clock, Thursday?

(still confused) Uh yes, quite right.

Excellent. Thank you so much!

She leaves, and BANKER walks slightly dazed down the hall. He lingers by LAWYER's desk.

What on earth has happened with Ms. Meredith? She's practically beaming with excitement.

(chuckling) Come now Horace, all new mothers have a certain glow about them, do they not?

He chuckles at BANKER's confused face. Scene ends with BANKER looking after where JANE left.

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