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Kirstie's POV
I wake up and check the time. 2:10 in the freaking morning, great. I had a dream about Matt. I just can't stop thinking about him. I don't know what to do. I'm scared to tell him how I feel cause I don't want to make things weird between us and ruin the band. I'm gonna call Mitchy to see what he thinks I should do.
Mitch's POV
I get a call from Kirstie. Why the fuck is she calling me at 2 in the morning?? I pick up because obviously this is kinda important. 'Hey kitty, what's up?' "Hey, can we talk about Matt?" 'of course kitty, what about him?' "I had a dream about Matty. I can't get him out of my mind, help?!" 'Girl, you need to tell him how you feel!' "I can't do that. He'd never talk to me again" 'Kitty, trust me, Matt likes you a lot, just call him"
Kirstie's POV
'Matt likes you a lot, just call him' I hear Mitch say. Does Mitchy really think Matt likes me? I guess there's only one way to find out.. "I guess I'll call him, thanks Mitchy" 'no problem kitty, tell me how it goes!' and I hang up. I dial Matt's number and pray he's up, considering it's almost 3 o'clock in the morning. He picks up and my heart races, "Hey Matty" 'Hey Kirst, why'd you call?' "I need to talk to you about something.. it's kinda important" 'you want me to come over? I can if you want me to.' "would you really?" 'for you, yeah' I smile as I respond "thank you Matty" 'no problem, I'll be over soon'
Matt's POV
Its almost 3am and I can't sleep. I have a crush on Kirstin and she's consuming my thoughts. There's something so special about her. She's so beautiful and she has this smile that lights up a room and she's literally just the epitome of a princess.  I get a call and I see Kirstin's name on my screen so I immediately pick up. She wanted to talk to me and it seems like a pretty big deal so I'm going to her house. I honestly don't care that it's 3am, if she wants me there, I'll get there as fast as I can. I knock on the door and there's Kirstin, wearing no makeup and the cutest pajamas. She looks adorable. She welcomes me inside and we go sit on her sofa. I speak up. 'so what did you want to talk about?' she bites her lip and seems pretty nervous "well.... Honestly Matty, I can't stop thinking about you. Ever since you joined the group, I've had the biggest crush on you and I don't wanna make things weird betwe -" I cut her off by kissing her and she kissed back as I pulled her into me so we were really close. When we finally pulled away, I decided to speak, 'I really like you a lot too, Kirst. I've known I liked you from day 1 and I'm really glad you feel the same way. So now that we've confessed .. will you be my girlfriend?' She smiled her perfect smile and gave me the answer I was hoping for... "Yes". We kissed again and it felt like magic. We spent the rest of the morning cuddled up on the sofa and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

A/n: wow guys that took like 3 hours  of frustration, writers block and listening to "Water" 83387382 times but this is cute and I hope you guys like it! I'm happy with how it turned out. Now I'm about to go to sleep cause it's almost 4am and I'm tired af.

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