Mini Me

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Kirstin's POV

Matt, Kinleigh and I are going to go out as a family today. Kinleigh is my mini me so I decided to dress her in an outfit that matched mine. It's really hot out, being summer in LA so I decided that we would wear matching black tank tops, blue shorts and cute sandals. I pick up my daughter and get her dressed and then did my hair. "Mama, my hair too!" 'You want your hair to match Mama's too?' "yes!!", Of course I do Kinleigh's hair the same as mine because, how could I ever say no to her? We walk into the other room and Matt is sitting on the sofa. Kinleigh runs over to her father and giggles as he tickles her.

Matt's POV

I stop tickling my daughter and give her a hug before putting her on the ground. 'How are my favorite girls?'
"Daddy, look, me and mama is twins!" 'wow, I can barely tell you guys apart!'. Kirstin playfully slaps my arm and I grin as Kinleigh erupts in giggles. "Daddy, me and mama aren't REAL twins, we just looks the same!" 'are you sure about that? You look REALLY similar' "I am sure, dada!" Kinleigh says as I pick her up and kiss all over her face, then kiss Kirstin. I love both of these girls more than anything. And Kinleigh really is Kirstin's mini. She looks more like Kirstin than me and I love it. They're both the most beautiful girls in the world.

Kirstin's POV
*After they went out*
When we get home, Kinleigh curls up into me as I'm getting her ready for bed and says "Mama, I lub being just like you" 'Aww I love it too, baby girl' "Can we be twins tomorrow too?" 'Of course, I love that you're my mini me!!' and she squeals in excitement as I chuckle. I love this little one so much. She and Matt are my constant reminder that I'm always loved. Whenever I'm having a bad day, they're always there to make it better. They make my good days extremely good too. I'm the happiest I've ever been and it's all because of Kinleigh and Matt.

A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while since I've written anything so I thought I'd come up with this cute chapter! I'm always thinking about what the members of PTX would be like as parents and I feel like they would all be amazing parents! What do you guys think they would be like as parents?

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