Chapter 42

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Dace hugged Siegfried because he thought it was a pillow and kissed Siegfried's body.

Siegfried blushed and thought "Control yourself Siegfried dont attack him even though you're Alpha you shouldn't attack him just because he's a Beta."

Dace was sleep talking and said "Daddy"

Siegfried panicked and blushed at the same time and thought "Yes I'll be your daddy."

Siegfried looked at Dace and then Dace said "Please stop" Siegfried thought "What are you dreaming about my little Uke."

Dace started crying and said "Daddy please stop."

Then Siegfried realized that what Dace started saying wasn't about him anymore It was his actually family he was having a nightmare about.

Siegfried shook Dace to wake him up sohe could calm Dace down.

Dace woke up and saw tear pouring out of his eyes and asked Siegfried what happened?

Siegfried said "You had a nightmare about your family I think, I'm not sure though do you wanna talk about it?

Dace shook his head at first then Siegfried said "You need to talk about it before it gets worse Dace"

Dace said "Fine let's talk about it but I wont answer some questions that is to personal for me.

Siegfried smiled and said "Deal"

Dace said "Well my parents made me take a test to see what my rank is in the Hierarchy and when they found out They beat me because I was an Om-."

DISCLAIMER: From now on this story will also be a omegaverse story please support me still sorry!

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