Chapter 43

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Siegfried said that you were a what?

Dace freaked out and said "Umm a beta they expected me to be Alpha but sadly I turned out to be a Beta."

Siegfried thought "Wait if Dace is a Beta then does that mean I'm stronger than him and I can over power him and be seme wait no I'm not gay I shouldn't be thinking of this stuff uhhhh."

Siegfried said "It's okay I still love you just the way you are."

Dace got shocked and said "Wait what did you just say?"

Siegfried said "Um nothing hehe"

Dace smirked and said "Well ok thats fine, well since you're awake and you woke me up wanna grab dinner outside?"

Siegfried went silent for a second thinking "Wait is he asking me out on a date again? Wait but was last time even considered as a date? Ahh I'm so confused."

Then Siegfried answered "Sure why not"

Dace thought "Yes my plan worked I
changed the subject since it was uncomfortable talking about the past keke."

Dace said "Let's go before all the restaurant's closes."

Siegfried said "Ok but wait."

Dace confused answered "Why what do you need."

Siegfried said "Wear my hoodie Dace it's cold outside"

Dace said "Uh no thanks I got my own"

Siegfried said "No wear mine Dace"

Dace answered "And why should I Siegfried I got my own why do I need to wear yours?"

Siegfried answered "Because It makes you look so small and cute hehe"

Dace looked furious and said "I'm not small you're just to tall jerk but ok I'll wear your hoodie but you're not getting it back hehe." Then Dace stuck his tounge out.

Siegfried said "That's fine hehe"

Then Dace and Siegfried headed out but they didn't know someone was watching.

I indeed change the cover.

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