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Leanne's POV

I just got to my new place and I bowed right away, not seeing their faces yet. After I did, I froze in shock. Seventeen was looking at me and I couldn't believe my eyes. I've been a huge fan ever since they debuted and now, I'm their roommate !

"Mom, are you sure we're at the right place ?" I doubted it for a sec because it's just so crazy.

"Yeah, they are your new roommates since I have to leave."

"Did you plan this ?"

"Yeah, I wanted you to be the happiest you can ever be." I walked up to my mom, reaching out to hug her with tears of both joy and sadness.

"I don't want you to leave yet mom."

"You'll be alright. Look at them, you're in safe hands." At that moment, I totally forgot that I haven't fully introduced myself yet.

"Oh ! Anneyong haseo, I'm Leanne."

I just felt flustered. Jeonghan started talking and said "Oh, we know who you are. We actually offered for you to become our roommate."
I was mentally screaming but I couldn't lose my cool.

"Leanne, I have to get going now. I still need to pack my stuff before I leave. I'm going to miss you anak [child/dear]."

"I'm going to miss you too po. Have a safe flight po. Tell me when you get to California po."

"Same goes to you ha. Text me your current situation always. I'll watch your debut in California. I'll stay up until 5am if I have to."

"Thank you po." I hugged her again, tighter than I've ever hugged anyone. It was going to be our last hug for a while.

Jeonghan's POV

Leanne just arrived. We know because we've been anticipating this day. Also, we could hear her mom yelling at her to wake up. When she first greeted us, she froze. Her mom wasn't kidding that she was a huge fan. She didn't finish her greeting so we kind of just stood there as she had a conversation with her mom. Leanne realized that she forgot to finish her greeting and I found it kind of cute. How she was just so flustered. I let her finish her greeting before I said that we already knew her. We could see she was trying not to break out in excitement but she almost fell when I said we knew her. After that, her mom said she had to get going to pack. Her and Leanne had a sentimental conversation. It made me sad that we all witnessed her last conversation with her mom in a long time. When she left, Leanne started hyperventilating. Jun started yelling "What's happening ? Are you ok !?"
Leanne replied with "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just really excited." We all started laughing. DK went up to me and said "She's pretty cute don't you think ?"
I did but if I say yes, he's gonna tease me forever.
"I mean, she's ok."
"Whatever you're no fun."
Then, we started playing her video of her singing 5 years ago, just before she auditioned. Wonwoo had the remote so once it started playing, she screamed and tried to get the remote from Wonwoo.

Wonwoo started throwing the remote which caused Leanne to start chasing us around the whole entire house. Man, she hasn't even been here for 24 hours and the shenanigans have already begun.

I'd consider this a pretty long chapter right ? I mean, it took me a while to make. Anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying this so far.

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