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Aiden's POV

As they texted in our group chat, I kept feeling bad for Leanne. She's clueless on what's going to happen to her. After they were done acting, I went to our other grouo chat.

ThE rOyAlS 2.0


Guys, leanne still doesn't know


Clearly, she's still coming to practice


I don't think CEO-nim has told her yet.


Obviously he hasn't told her, she's coming to practice and she's even bringing Seventeen with her.


Guys, I don't think this is the right thing to do.


Why ? It's not like we needed her anyways.


Correction. We actually did need her until we found out how to choreograph and compose ourselves.




But she worked so hard these past 5 years to make it to debut and now we're just kicking her out ?


She'll be fine. It's Leanne, she has Seventeen with her and she's been through much worse.


But what if she won't be fine ? What if she actually pulls through with killing herself huh ?


Oh shut up ! You're only saying that because you like her. Majority agreed that we don't need her and CEO-nim already approved it. What else do you need in order to stop worrying about her ?


Rachelle, calm down. Both of you are right. Aiden is worried. We know that Leanne can be really weak but we can't change the fact that we're kicking her out.


To be honest, I'm fine without Leanne in our group. I'm sick of her always nagging at us.


I just hope nothing bad happens to any of us after this. I mean, we've been friends for years and this is major betrayal.


Like I said, there's nothing we can do about it. We already finalized the new choreography and song that we made a few months ago.


At least we're not using the trashy ass shit Leanne made. I was so sick of that shit. Such a stupid ass fucking song and choreo.


Rachelle if you don't shut up. Remember, we made the new song and choreo so we don't cause any copyright problems from Leanne. Also, it's out of respect for her. She can release the song if she wants but I doubt it tho.


Yeah, the least we could do is not steal her song and choreo.


My god, just stop talking about her already. Let's just focus on our debut that's in a few days okay ?


Yeah yeah yeah whatever. I'll see you guys at practice.

I ended up not responding to the last text and sat in my car outside of Pledis. I guess CEO-nim wants us to be the ones to break it to her. I still feel extremely bad. I feel like such a bad person and a bad friend for not preventing this. I checked the time, it was 10:45am, I guess it's time to go inside.

Leanne's POV

It was 10:55am and we had just arrived at Pledis. I was excited because our debut was in a few days and I get to do my dream with my best friends.

"Kaja !!" I said while jumping out of the car and started running to Pledis.

"Yah !! Slow down !" I stopped to see Seventeen trying to catch up to me.

"Sorry oppas ! Kaja ?" I said as they finally made it to me and they nodded and started walking.

I was walking next to Vernon and he tapped my shoulder.

"Yes oppa ?" I looked to Vernon and he had a serious look on his face. He leaned in to my ear and whispered.

"Are you dating Jeonghan hyung ?" I pulled back and widened my eyes at him.

"How'd you find out ?" I whispered back.

"I overheard you two talking earlier before you got ready." He said and he looked down.

"Mian." I said.

"Wae ?" He asked me in confusion.

"I hurt you, now you and woozi know and are hurt by it. I feel so bad." I said and almost started crying.

"Ani ! Gwaenchanha gwaenchanha. As long as you're happy, I'm happy. Don't worry, I won't say a word about it." He said and did the thing where he zips and locks his mouth then throwing the key away. I laughed at his actions while the others looked at us confused.

We all got into the elevator and stood next to Jeonghan oppa. We were behind everyone in the back of this tiny elevator so we held hands for the time being before getting to the floor of my practice room. I smiled and looked at him while he looked down at me and smiled. He squeezed my hand tighter and I did the same to him


I quickly let go of Jeonghan oppa's hand and ran out of the elevator. I don't know why but I was really excited to go to practice today. It's probably because Seventeen was with me and I get to show them how hard I worked.

As I walked through the halls, I heard blasting of an unfamiliar song coming from the practice room. I checked the time to see it was 10:58, I stopped to hear that the song wasn't from another artist, it was from my members. Their voices were in it but it was probably just a cover of a song that I didn't know about.

I opened the door to my group practicing a dance that I didn't even recognize. I immediately wondered what was going on.

"Hey everyone !!" I yelled and walked in. They all stopped what they were doing and paused the music.

"Hi Leanne unnie !" Kylie said and hugged me. I hugged her back happily.

"Guys, as I promised, Seventeen's with me." They all bowed and greeted them. "Hey guys, what song was that ? I don't think I've ever heard it before."

"Umm, it's our song." Jaylyn unnie said but I laughed it off.

"What do you mean ? I don't remember making this song." I said with a grin but they all looked serious.

"When we say 'our,' it doesn't include you." Rachelle unnie said but I tilted my head in confusion.

"What they mean is that you're kicked out of The Royals." I looked at Aiden and he looked sad as well but tried to put up a brave front.

"W-what ?"

안녕 !! Helloo !! What's up ? I know, this chapter was hard for me to write but I did it. Hopefully I shocked you guys ? Maybe not, you guys probably saw it coming hehe. Also, thank you guys so much for 2k reads ! 감사합니다 !!사랑해 !! 안녕 !! <3


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